Friday, June 19, 2015

Big Irish Fair and Musicfest (June 20-21); Pat Macpherson, Dhr. Seven, Ashley Wells, Wisdom Quarterly IRISH BUDDHISM
Tara-LiaFail: Ireland, save the lingam phallus henge stone (
Sidhe: Fairy Princess/Goddess Danu and Wee People or pixies in forest (amayodruid), Eldorado Regional Park, Long Beach LA/OC, (877) 740-9888
Our new 2015 Southern California Rose is Irish singer Lauren Waller from Westlake Village (L.A.), who is studying at Pepperdine Univ. and is a National Charity League debutante. After her success at the Grand Ball of the Irish, Waller was selected for the Regionals Competition and will now proceed to Tralee for the Int'l Rose of Tralee Festival in mid-August.
One of the world's most famous Irishman, Latin rebel Che Lynch Guevara, "Galway Che"
The first Westerner to become a Buddhist monk was an Irish adventurer, Laurence Carroll who ordained as Ven. Dhammaloka, the subject of a new documentary, "The Dharma Bum" (

The least important but most famous Irishman in history, Mexican-Irishman Peter Griffin of "Family Guy" fame, seen here with his twin brother in Ireland, as voiced by uber creative cartoonist Seth MacFarlane.
Buddhism and Ireland: the amazing connection! (Prof. Laurence Cox, Maynooth)
Maynooth Prof. Laurence Cox uncovers the story of the first Irish Buddhist monk.

The most successful diaspora in history? How has such a small island reached every part of the globe and shared its genes (themselves already mixed with the sidhe and other devas) with so many other groups around the world?
Father's Day falls on the second day of the Irish Fair, Sunday, June 21, 2015. Get dad a gift.
The Rhythms of Latin America, May-June 2015 (
Blues, Zydeco, Creole: Bayou Festival, June 20-21, 2015 (
Lisa Garr wants to heal the world ( Radiant Body/

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