Friday, July 31, 2015

Fukushima, Virgin Mary, Natives, police (video)

Ashley Wells, CC Liu, Seth Auberon, Pat Macpherson, Crystal Quintero, Wisdom Quarterly
The daisies of Fukushima, Japan: You, too, can have mutant flowers at home. Just plant them near your microwave oven, and as you give yourself cancer by irradiating plastic and such, your buds may warp and mutate or simply die (

Maybe the Messiah arrived on a corn tortilla, maybe not. But are the Virgin Mary (the Western version of Buddhist Kwan Yin, Goddess of Mercy and Compassion) praying in church?
(TheLipTV) We live in a cynical world, a deeply cynical world. Is seeing believing?

We're not racists. Our parents are. We're no more biased than Daisy's Dukes. Who needs White Power when you already got White Privilege? Watch FOX News, and leave our Confederate heritage alone like them Good Ol' Boys (Dukes of Hazard).

Flowers: Japanese Fukushima nuclear meltdown
(NY Daily News, July 23, 2015 
She never had a chance. Arm of Fukushima mannequin sticks out of rubble in area devastated by 2011 earthquake, tsunami, nuclear meltdown (David Guttenfelder/AP).
US and UK governments oppose Japan (E).
Maybe don't stop to smell these flowers. Pictures of [mutant] white daisies growing in some odd shapes near the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster in Japan have gone viral. The plants are growing quite oddly by the area that had a meltdown of three of the nuclear plant's six reactors following a horrific earthquake and tsunami in 2011. More

For regular updates on Fukushima radiation headed for U.S., see
Kill in the name of [racism?]
Hey, N-word, freeze/Let's see your license!
Former University of Cincinnati police officer Raymond Tensing has been released on a $1 million bail after pleading not guilty to the murder of Sam DuBose. Tensing, who is white, [executed] the 43-year-old African-American man on July 19 after stopping him for not having a front license plate. Two additional officers, Phillip Kidd and David Lindenschmidt, have been placed on administrative leave.
Meanwhile, new information shows that Officer Phillip Kidd and another officer on scene during the DuBose shooting were involved in the death of an unarmed African-American man five years earlier.
Don't fear us. Don't fear us. We're police.
According to documents revealed by The Guardian, Phillip Kidd and Officer Eric Weibel were part of a seven-officer team that Tased and shackled a mentally ill man who was having a psychotic episode. Democracy Now! speaks to Iris Roley, longtime police accountability activist with the Cincinnati Black United Front.
She is the cousin of Kelly Brinson, who died after being Tased and restrained by Univ. of Cincinnati police officers in 2010. Two of the police officers involved in Roley’s cousin’s death were at the scene of Sam DuBose’s shooting and later lied to investigators to try to corroborate Officer Ray Tensing’s false claim about being dragged by DuBose’s car. More
Where did First Americans come from?

Elk Foot, Taos Pueblo (E.I. Couse)
The Americas were the last great frontier to be settled by humans, and their peopling remains one of the great mysteries for researchers. Two major studies of the DNA of living and ancient people try to settle the big questions about the early settlers: Who were they? When did they come? How many waves arrived?

But instead of converging on a single consensus picture, the studies, published online in Science and Nature, throw up a new mystery: Both detect in modern Native Americans a trace of DNA related to that of native people from Australia and Melanesia. The competing teams, neither of which knew what the other was up to until the last minute, are still trying to reconcile and make sense of each other’s data.
Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz (
“Both models...see in the Americas a subtle signal from” Australo-Melanesians, notes Science co-author David Meltzer, an archaeologist at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas. “A key difference is when and how it arrived in the New World.”

The Nature team concludes it came in one of two early waves of migration into the continent, whereas the Science team concludes it came much later, and was unrelated to the initial peopling.
For the Science paper, nearly 4 years in the making, researchers sequenced 31 complete and 79 partial genomes from people in North and South America, Siberia, and Oceania. They compared these with previously sequenced genomes of three ancient skeletons: the 24,000-year-old Mal’ta child from Siberia, the 12,600-year-old Anzick child from Montana, and the 4000-year-old Saqqaq individual from Greenland. More
First Native Americans are East Asian and aboriginal: DNA study (Science Mag)

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