Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Heartbreak in the Brain, Trees, Trainwreck...

Heart wrapped in barbed wire (youtube.com video still showing Michelle Obama is a man)
Ooh, is that what my brain looks like!?
"Everything that reminds you of that person...triggers activity in 'reward' neurons inside the caudate nucleus and the ventral tegmental area of the brain...the same parts of the brain that light up when scientists put people in the throes of that grossly cute...stage of new love into an fMRI machine."

Trainwreck (Katie Couric SEX prank)
(Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon) Would Katie Couric enjoy an*l? Amy Schumer thinks so -- revealing a scandalous prank pulled on Katie at the Glamour Women of the Year Awards.

Cops against police brutality (b-cap.org)

3. Three ways to a better wage 
Modern slavery takes many forms from forced prostitution to wage theft, child trafficking in the USA to some workers not being paid even the minimum wage (freetheslaves.net).

Give me the money I'm owed.
L.A. County supervisors vote today on three wage-related proposals: minimum wage, taking a cue from the city by raising the rate in unincorporated areas to $15 an hour; living wage, requiring employers who contract with the county to pay employees $15.79 by 2019; and wage theft enforcement, finding ways to stop employers from paying less than is legally required [a form of modern slavery when employers shaft workers altogether, who themselves often have no recourse to collect even meager wages or promised overtime].

4. CARTOON: BoJack is back
The most popular human/horse hybrid on Netflix is back with a second season. The whimsical world where humans and animals co-mingle comes from the mind of production designer Lisa Hanawalt. She tells The Frame about her process, her past, and gender in animation. AUDIO: Listen to the interview.

The California Water Board has proposed a first-of-its-kind, $1.5 million fine for taking water during the drought. The move targets a group of Central Valley farmers in an area with century-old claims to water. The so-called senior water rights holders are generally protected from mandatory cutbacks.

8. Ghost drivers in a ghost town

10. Breaking up is hard to do (for your brain)
11. One failed strut
12. Rubik's race 
13. Ant-Man marvels
14. Maternal mortality rises
15. "Snap back" measure

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