Tuesday, July 14, 2015

The Native Americans of Los Angeles (video)

Nauiocelotl, elder Linda Gonzales; Xochitl, Dhr. Seven, Ashley Wells, Wisdom Quarterly
What must our Tongva forbear think as he marks rock wall like Anasazi (Hopi) of Arizona did when Buddhist missionaries arrived not to invade but to uplift and share wisdom?
Tongva tribe members, North American Indians, in what appears to be wash behind "Devil's Gate" Dam invaders built to keep basin from flooding, Hahamongna (Edward S. Curtis).

nauiocelotlWho were the indigenous, First Nations, Native Americans who inhabited what we today call "Los Angeles"? The place name was given to this area by the original alien invaders, the genocidal Spaniards. Other Europeans were to follow to divide the spoils. The people here were called the Tongva, the first peoples of Los Angeles County. But the Tongva were renamed the Gabrieleños by the Spanish.

Untold history of the U.S. (Dunbar-Ortiz/Beacon.org)

(Sam Villa) The Gabrielino-Tongva Tribe is a California Native American Tribe historically known by the previous Conquistadors (invading "conquerors"), the Spaniards, as "The San Gabriel Band of Mission Indians." Official site: gabrielinotribe.org

Hahamongna tributary after conquest -- toxic and controlled by Jet Propulsion Lab (JPL) in cahoots with City of Pasadena and unduly influenced by L.A. County and U.S. Corps of Engineers preserved by Trails Council of Pasadena and La Canada-Flintridge (lcftrails.org).
([Videographer] Nauiocelotl) Linda Gonzales a great warrior of our people.
(Shotbyabel A) Question for all the peep[le] who went to public school in LA County. Did they teach you about the Tongva or any other [Native Americans]?
(Julia Riber Pitt) in reply to JReyes123  Yes, some Mexicans are criollos [creoles], BUT the majority of Mexicans are mixed indigenous-Spanish. Many indigenous women were raped by the Spanish settlers.
(BloodBaath) in reply to Julia Riber Pitt  Not just raped but married. Not that that's good but...think of what the situation was like.
(Adrian Ramos) TIAHUI.
(blokcom) in reply to jeru38  Jeru38, yes, I actually agree with you on all points you make. My sentiments are directed at a certain White group in America and not all European descendants. So the "Why don't you go back to Europe?" I use is specific and strictly rhetorical as verbal combat, and I know that it is unrealistic. However, the part about America losing her sovereignty is not unrealistic and is highly probable and most Americans fail to see the probabilities of new treaties being signed without a vote. More
(Young RAM) AWESOME VIDEO....by the way
Your about to lose your sovereignty but would deny it to the bitter end even if god himself handed you the truth on a golden platter. When that happens, when you acknowledge it, if that is at all possible (the possibility of acknowledging reality), then, you can return from whence you came--Europe.
(jackmandood2) FIRST!
(Salvatore D'amico) Kizh!!!!.Gabrielino... [are the] proven documented Native peoples of the LA basin....Tongva wrongva! [Dear Salvatore, "Gabrielino" is the racist name given to the indigenous by the invading Spaniards, who named the area and the mountain range after their Catholic Saint Gabriel (Spanish San Gabriel) and the locals as Gabrielinos, Gabriels of the San Gabriels. So Tongva-rightva.]
Bringing Los Angeles back -- one native flower at a time (wildflowering.org)

The History of Buddhism in ANCIENT America
Nick Ravo (New York Times, June 11, 1999) 
Fields wrote several books, the best known of which is How the Swans Came to the Lake: A Narrative History of Buddhism in America (Shambhala, 1981).

The book traces Buddhism's origins in the United States from Chinese railroad workers and American transcendentalists like Henry David Thoreau in the mid-19th century, to Japanese immigrants on the West Coast at the turn of the century, to the writer Alan Watts [alanwatts.org], and Beat poets like Allen Ginsberg in the 1950's, to the mass popularity of Zen Buddhism, and the introduction of Tibetan Buddhism in the 1960's and 70's.

"Be kind whenever possible." - Dalai Lama
In a revised edition of How the Swans Came to the Lake that was published by Shambhala in 1991, an additional chapter details the fast growth of and broadening interest in Buddhism in the 80's and early 90's.

Bob and Uma Thurman
''Rick Fields was one of our foremost interpreters of Buddhism for Americans,'' said Robert A. F. Thurman [Uma Thurman's dad and one of the Dalai Lama's translators, tibethouse.us], professor of Indo-Tibetan Studies at Columbia University and the nation's pre-eminent scholar on Tibetan Buddhism.

Mr. Fields started his journalism career at the Whole Earth Catalog in 1969. In recent years, he was editor of Yoga Journal and a contributing editor of New Age Journal... More

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