Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Water Consciousness (video)

Alicia Murphy (; Dhr. Seven, CC Liu, Wisdom Quarterly
Information on how to improve our behavior to help protect Earth's water. Highly recommended book. It has a lot to teach (

(LastWeekTonight with John Oliver, March 2, 2015) America’s crumbling "infrastructure": It’s not a sexy problem, it's a scary one. This is amazing. John Oliver covers the ins and outs of infrastructure. Yes, a million times, yes! I highly recommend watching the entire video. More
Water is essential to all existence on our planet
And it is part of a complex and extensive human-made system
Sister Se and Alicia Murphy
Growing up in Los Angeles, I never really thought twice about water. It was always there when I wanted it -- bottled, in the sink, in the yard.

I didn’t know the water I drank was traveling thousands of miles to get to me or even that there was a finite amount of it.

It took a journey all the way to Kenya, Africa for me to understand what water scarcity is and how it feels to have a genuine reverence for this life source.

Pure thinking vibrates water well = crystals
I carried my love for water to University of California at Davis to study it, and in June 2013 I graduated with a Bachelors of Science in Hydrology.

I have interned for various conservation agencies and organizations like Delta Stewardship Council, Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Conservancy, and Tidal Influence.
Now I am back in Los Angeles working as a environmental sampling technician, a water awareness advocate, and a musician. More

The writing is on the wall, Alicia: "Water is life" (
Thoughts on the Santa Barbara oil spill
Sometimes "bad" and "good" feel really relative [conditional]. But not now, not with this. This is bad, and it will always be bad. I firmly believe that we can develop and implement better forms of energy generation and energy storage. I do not believe that oil will always be Number 1. More

Reverse osmosis can’t reverse our choices
Desalination is often hailed as the savior of the California water crisis. Many people want to know what desalination is all about. Many people think that it is the obvious solution. I think desalination stations warrant a careful discussion because there are so many factors involved that shape their costs and benefits. Here are the… More

The story of bottled water
Bottled water is still as much of an as issue now as it was five years ago. It's unfortunate, but it's true. This video does a good job of identifying the differences and similarities between tap water and bottled water. It also… More

Titles matter
The Los Angeles Times recently posted an op-ed featuring nine water experts’ opinions on ways to save water. The article is titled “Shorter Showers? Nine more ways the State has to change its ways.” More

When the levy breaks and dam bursts, there goes the city. Then the real drought begins.

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