Wednesday, December 16, 2015

"500 Years of Indigenous Resistance" (book)

Xochitl, Ashley Wells, CC Liu, Wisdom Quarterly;;
European Conquistador Pizarro visits Inca in America (

(Documentary) In 1990 a confrontation propelled Native issues in Kanehsatake and the village of Oka, Quebec, into the international spotlight. Director Alanis Obomsawin spent 78 nerve-wracking days filming an armed stand-off between Mohawks, Canadian Army, Quebec police.
U.S. Puebloan People: Native American dancers at Ohkay Owingeh (wiki).

500 Years of Indigenous ResistanceThe history of the colonization of the Americas by Europeans is often portrayed as a mutually beneficial process.

It is made to seem as if "civilization" were brought to Native Americans, who in return shared their land and advanced cultures that lived successfully on the land for ten thousand years.

A more critical history might present it as a genocide in which indigenous peoples were helpless victims, overwhelmed and awed by European military power.

In reality, neither of these views is completely correct. 500 Years of Indigenous Resistance is more than a history of European colonization of the Americas.

In this slim volume, author Gord Hill* chronicles the resistance of indigenous peoples hat served to limit and shape the forms and extent of European colonialism.

This history encompasses North and South America, the development of nation-states, and the resurgence of indigenous resistance in the post-WWII era.

*GORD HILL is a member of the Kwakwaka'wakw Nation on the Northwest Coast. Writer, artist, and militant, he has been involved in indigenous resistance, anti-colonial and anti-capitalist movements for many years, often using the pseudonym Zig Zag. Hear author interviews, book reviews, and other news on the AUTHOR'S PAGE
  • VIDEO: "500 Years of Resistance" by Daniel Osuna Christian involvement in the theft of the Southern and Central American continent and the genocide, enslavement, and mass rape of its indigenous inhabitants. Osuna explains the religious motives of the White European Christian conquest of the West. This is the true history of Christian expansion told from the point of view of its most victimized ethnic group....Christianity didn't spread anywhere on Earth through peace and love, despite the tireless efforts of its most famous apologists...
Former AIM leader John Trubell dead at 69
Jesus Walton Saturday,, Dec. 12, 2015
American Indian Movement (AIM) flag as flown in the United States (wiki)
John Trudell, Alcatraz, Dec. 1, 1969 (AP)
Poet and actor John Trudell, who once headed the American Indian Movement, has died at the age of 69. "John Trudell and his family ask for people to celebrate love and celebrate life." In 1972, the movement was propelled by members of the
  • American Indian Movement (AIM)
  • National Indian Brotherhood
  • Native American Rights Fund
  • National Indian Youth Council
  • National American Indian Council
  • National Council on Indian Work
  • National Indian Leadership Training, and the
  • American Indian Committee on Alcohol and Drug Abuse.
An Indigenous Peoples' History of the US
They organized the Trail of Broken Treaties, Mel Thom, Clyde Warrior, Gerald Wilkerson, Vine Deloria Jr., Hank Adams, Carter Camp, Shirley Hill Witt, LaDonna Harris, Suzan Harjo, and Louis Bruce.

"He asked that people pray and celebrate in their own way in their own communities" said Cree Miller, a trustee for his estate, in a statement. He became a spokesman for the protesters and ran a radio broadcast called Radio Free Alcatraz during the 19-month takeover.

After his pregnant wife, three children, and mother-in-law were killed in 1979 in a fire at the home of his parents-in-law on the Shoshone-Paiute Tribes Duck Valley Indian Reservation in Nevada, Trudell turned to writing, music, and film as a second career.
Russell Means, 1989 (Marcy Nighswander/AP)
Trudell, who was born in Omaha and was the son of a Santee Sioux, became involved in Native American activism after a stint in the U.S. NAVY, serving in a destroyer off the Vietnamese coast. Trudell later had a relationship with Marcheline Bertrand, the mother of actress Angelina Jolie, before her 2007 death from cancer.

Trudell later made spoken-word albums and appeared in the movie "Thunderheart." More

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