Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Happy birthday Sarah Silverman, Woody Allen!

Editors, Wisdom Quarterly, Dec. 1, 2015
(Sarah Silverman) WARNING: Vulgar, obscene, foul language, adult themes, double entendres, and irony! "Jesus is Magic" [because I'm Jewish but my boyfriend Jimmy Kimmel is Catholic].

What do I do so you'll know I'm joking?
What genius was astir on December 1st? Today comedic genius Sarah Silverman -- "Best Actress" winner for "I Smile Back," 45 -- was born and so was legendary pariah Woody Allen, 80. Happy birthday, Woodman!

While Israel is despicable and guilty of crimes against humanity including ethnic cleansing, illegal occupation, and genocide, many Jewish persons are wonderful, not least one of our greatest teachers, Bhikkhu Bodhi, the world's foremost Theravada Buddhist English translator, teacher, and scholar-monk. His teachers, who went from Germany to Sri Lanka like Ven. Nyanaponika and others, Sharon Salzberg and Joseph Goldstein of IMS, and so many in the mindfulness (vipassana) movement.

(Woody Allen) Introduces himself in the opening scene of "Annie Hall"
They're still married!? May-December.
Then think of the many great Americans there have been, Israelis and emigres. They are very prominent in the media and in Los Angeles, San Francisco, and New York. But what can excuse Israeli nationalism or Israeli Islamophobia, warmongering and war profiteering, racism and bias against Palestinians?

Sieg, I mean, shalom, Republicans! (AP)
Pacifica Radio, Los Angeles (90.7 FM, KPFK.org) is sponsoring a screening of a very important documentary about Israeli crimes against the civilian population of Palestine, "Where Should the Birds Fly?" by Fida Qishta.

By the way, we think Silverman's "hipster racism and sexism," which is part of her act is fine, great, self-effacing, vital to her act.

(Woody Allen) Classic scene from the best comedy ever, "Annie Hall."
Sarah Silverman's best punk rock performance: "You're Gonna Die Soon"

Criticism is not anti-Semitism.
It is so edgy it may offend, particularly those not in on the joke, but what must hurt people is that she is exposing American and even Jewish hypocrisy, our implicit bias, our unconscious prejudices. She is skewering us and is clearly someone who cares. Much the same can be said for Woody Allen who, although a brilliant cinematic genius, has managed to upset everyone and earn our scorn.
(DD) Support Fida Qishta's film, "Where Should The Birds Fly" on the truth about Israel.

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