Wednesday, December 16, 2015

People disappearing in National Parks (audio)

David Paulides; Coast to Coast; Pat Macpherson, CC Liu, Wisdom Quarterly

Missing 411: Western US & Canada (
Researcher, author, former police investigator David Paulides has worked in law enforcement in the San Francisco Bay Area -- on everything from street crimes, SWAT, and Vice, to a variety of assignments in the detective division.

Paulides has become an expert on the unusually large number of mysterious disappearances taking place in U.S. National Parks. He discusses new hair raising cases and the patterns that associate them.

So far Paulides has documented between 1,500-1,600 unexplained disappearances. In about 20% of these incidents the people are found dead, but the majority of the time, bodies are never found.
Author David Paulides on Coast to Coast with George Noory

Why was Chewbacca in a UFO in Star Wars?
Moreover, when people are found alive, they are typically unable to describe what happened, Paulides explains. Many have mental disabilities and cannot or will not remember where they have been or how they became lost. Dogs will mysteriously not track their scent.

There have been a large number of cases where people were missing for a week but then found without shoes or clothes, yet without mosquito bites or sunburn or damage to the soles of their feet from a lack of protection after covering long distances over rocks. 
Truth is much stranger than fiction
Ex-police investigator David Paulides has applied his skills to questioning "Bigfoot" witnesses. The results he has documented after gaining access to witnesses is both remarkable and intriguing.
A commissioned forensic police artist meets with witnesses and sketches the creatures they saw. These drawings provide new insights into the creature's nature. In Oct. 1958 Jerry Crew, a road construction worker, found large and unusual human-like footprints near his bulldozer.
He was on a road under construction near Bluff Creek, Northern California. He had seen the same type of footprint before, but this time he made a plaster cast to preserve it as evidence. He reported the finding to a local newspaper, referring to the creature that made them as Bigfoot.
The newspaper story was picked up by AP wires, and that's how the silly word "Bigfoot" became the common name for the large creature known by many names in various Native American languages throughout the United States of America. More

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