Tuesday, February 23, 2016

How to save ALL the world's languages (audio)

Jared Goyette, The World (PRI.org, Feb. 23, 2016); Dhr. Seven, CC Liu, Wisdom Quarterly

WikiTongues announces Poly: open source, modern software built to share and learn languages in text and video. Support this vital effort on Kickstarter, and share this video.
Many Americans want to behave more Swedish on the road

This isn't the first time the US and Russia have come together on Syria
This veteran [mass murderer] has spent nearly a decade trying to get the military to change its practices for discharging vets with PTSD

Could "The Pill" save the polar bear?
Pres. Obama presents a vague plan to close Guantanamo Bay's prison
Universal Grammar of Religions
Huston Smith
(Mark Canter) Scholar of world religions Huston Smith says mystics of all faiths draw a map of the same territory. Their reports form what he calls the "universal grammar of religions."

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