Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Obama meets with S.E. Asian leaders (video)

Seth Auberon, CC Liu, Wisdom Quarterly; Expoza Travel; Associated Press (ap.org/mail.com)
(Expoza Travel)

Travel destination Southeast Asia, a fascinating, atmospheric, and exotic Theravada Buddhist world full of unspoiled nature and cultural treasures.

It is a region where past and present live side by side and unite in a wonderful way. Burma, "The Land Of Golden Pagoda," is now called Myanmar by its military rulers who control the country from the relocated police state capital of Nay Pyi Taw (though the heart of the country is still Rangoon, Mandalay, and unbelievable Pagan (Bagan). It used to be a closed country. So many of its fine religious sanctuaries were left neglected, but they are now gradually being given the respect they deserve. Inlay Lake is home to the Inthas, one of the many tribes that came to Burma from various neighboring countries. Throughout the area are the floating plantations of the Inthas on which tomatoes, cucumbers, and beans are cultivated.

A journey on the Shan State Express provides passengers with a fascinating insight into the life of the Shan people, whose lives are dominated by agriculture. The northwest of Burma is known for its many splendid sacred buildings such as Mingun’s Hsinbyume Pagoda, which was built at the beginning of the nineteenth century. It was constructed according to the architectural rules of Hindu Buddhist cosmology and symbolizes the World Mountain of Meru...

One of Taiwan’s most important centers of arts and crafts is located on the west of the island, Lukang, an ancient and idyllic town full of age-old traditions whose large number of beautiful Buddhist temples is most impressive. In Cambodia about 40 kms north of the current capital, Phnom Penh, is the former capital city of Udong. Today, only the remains of the city’s former splendid buildings indicate that it was the last center of amazing Angkor’s power with hundreds of dwellings and Buddhist jungle temples.

The ruins of Ayutthaya indicate the impressive dimensions of the former capital of ancient Thailand and one of the mightiest royal cities in Southeast Asia.
Obama and leaders of Southeast Asian nations are gathering for two days of talks on economic and security issues to forge deeper ties amid China's assertive presence in the region.

Obama welcomes Southeast Asian leaders to SoCal
Sunnylands Historic House, Southern California, where ASEAN leaders are meeting Obama.
We're here to play ball. We want money. Our leaders/countries are for sale (AP).

Celebration in Southeast Asia (flickr.com)
RANCHO MIRAGE, California - Pres. Barry Soetoro Barack Hussein Obama, husband of Michael Obama -- a Democratic president so weak and feckless he may not select a Supreme Court nominee so as not to offend Republicans with a liberal selection that tilts the court in favor of sanity after decades of damage to the nation by mysteriously dead gun-loving hunter Antonin Scalia -- opened a meeting of leaders from a 10-nation bloc of Southeast Asian nations on Monday, calling the landmark gathering on U.S. soil a reflection of his personal commitment to an enduring partnership with the diverse group of countries.
(Feb. 15, 2016)
Deception, war, drone-killings, and hypocrisy may have added to rapid aging in office.
Obama and leaders of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations will spend two days discussing economic and regional security issues.

In brief remarks as the leaders sat around a horseshoe-shaped table, Obama said he became familiar with Southeast Asia as a boy living in Indonesia with his mother. Since becoming president, Obama has made numerous trips to Asia-Pacific countries as part of his policy "pivot" toward the region, with the goal of reassuring allies unnerved by China's assertive presence there while also reaping economic gains for the U.S.

"You and the people of ASEAN have always shown me extraordinary hospitality, and I hope we can reciprocate with the warmth today and tomorrow, which is why I did not hold this summit in Washington," Obama said.

"It is cold there. It's snowing, so welcome to beautiful, warm Sunnylands," he said. Sunnylands is the storied southern California desert estate where the leaders will conduct their talks at a conference center with picturesque views of the snow-capped San Jacinto Mountains.

Southeast Asian Theravada Buddhist novices, Thailand, with candles (flickr.com)
Underscoring the relaxed atmosphere, all leaders wore open-collar shirts with their suits. It's the first time the leaders of Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Brunei, Vietnam, Laos, Burma (Myanmar), and Cambodia have held a stand-alone meeting in the U.S. China is not an ASEAN member, but its territorial claims over disputed waters have raised international concerns and heightened tensions with some member countries.

Obama said trade between the U.S. and ASEAN had increased 55 percent since he took office. The region is now the U.S.'s fourth-largest goods trade partner. U.S. companies are also the largest source of foreign investment in its member nations, he said.

Obama said he wants to build on that progress "so that growth and development is sustainable and inclusive and benefits all people." Monday's talks will focus on the economy. After a working dinner, the conversation on Tuesday, the summit's final day, shifts to regional security issues, including the South China Sea and counterterrorism.

China says it has a historical right to virtually all of the South China Sea and has built seven artificial islands, including with airstrips, to assert its sovereignty. Taiwan and ASEAN members Brunei, Malaysia, Vietnam and the Philippines also claim land features in these potentially resource-rich waters, which are an important conduit for world trade.

Though not a claimant, the U.S. has spoken out against China's conduct and has angered Beijing by sailing Navy ships near some of the artificial islands. The U.S. has argued for the maritime rights issue to be resolved peacefully and is looking for ASEAN to take a unified stance by calling for the disputes to be resolved based on international law. ASEAN has avoided criticizing China by name in joint statements issued at past summits.

The Trans-Pacific Partnership free-trade agreement among the U.S., ASEAN members Brunei, Malaysia, Singapore, and Vietnam, and seven other nations, will likely be discussed. The pact is Obama's signature trade achievement, one he has sought to sell to skeptical lawmakers as a chance for the U.S. to shape the region's trade rules, not China. Congress, however, must ratify the deal and that outcome remains in doubt.

Terrorism inspired by the Islamic State group is of increasing concern in the region. Eight people were killed during assaults last month in Indonesia's capital, Jakarta, the first major attack there in six years. Police said the attackers were linked to IS.

Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia, the world's most populous Muslim nation, have all reported citizens traveling to fight in Iraq and Syria, and several small militant groups in the Philippines have pledged allegiance to IS (ISIS).

Violent Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen with businessman B. Obama (AP)
Obama also plans to raise issues of good governance and adherence to the rule of law. Human rights advocates have faulted the U.S. for inviting unelected leaders, like Thai Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha, who seized power in a May 2014 coup

Cambodia's Hun Sen, who has used violence and intimidation against political opponents, made his first official U.S. visit during his 31-year tenure as prime minister. More
  • Associated Press writer Matthew Pennington in Washington and Jim Gomez in Manilla, Philippines, contributed to this report. Darlene Superville (twitter.com/dsupervilleap).

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