Saturday, March 26, 2016

The real origins of Easter (video)

Seth Auberon, Pat Macpherson, CC Liu, Wisdom Quarterly;; Jim Staley

The Easter egg hunt, like red and white presents under Christmas trees, is another activity inexplicable without magic mushrooms. The current understanding is that the Easter Bunny lays multi-colored eggs in or around every house for children to hunt and collect in baskets.
A bunny rabbit must have left this poop egg.
But since when do rabbits lay eggs? Why are they colorful, spotted eggs? Why are they hidden for us to search for and collect in baskets? Of course rabbits do not leave eggs. But in ancient myth the spring and fertility goddess Eostre/Germanic Ostara are said to have saved a bird whose wings had frozen during the winter by turning it into a rabbit.
Since the rabbit had once been a bird, it could still lay eggs, and that egg-laying rabbit became our Easter Bunny. In the earlier Babylonian version, Ishtar comes from the Moon in a giant egg. [The Rabbit in the Moon is clearly visible.]

The "Christian" festival of Easter comes from the same source. Easter comes from the Babylonian goddess Ishtar (Queen Semiramis). It celebrates her son, Tammuz -- who is the "only begotten son of the Moon Goddess and Sun God," Semiramis and Nimrod.
Spiritual Science[Why would all this be? Why would it sound so much like Christianity? A Roman psy-ops campaign incorporated the beliefs of the Roman Empire into a religion they invented to rule followers, a new obedience-based religion about a popular Jewish figure, and they made him "Christian," that's why.]
  • These are not coincidences but very real elements in one tradition contorted and re-purposed for another: syncretism.
"Easter (Ishtar) eggs" and the "Easter Bunny" also come from Babylon. Queen Semiramis said she came from the Moon in a giant egg [pod, capsule, UFO, vimana], and this became known as the Ishtar egg. Tammuz was said to be very fond of rabbits, and so we have the Easter bunny. Oh yes, and they also ate "sacred cakes"... More

Christian view: the truth about Easter
Christian fanatic Jim Staley explains the non-Christian origins of these two popular Euro-American religious holidays. Their Pagan origins make believers shiver and others delight that they may have elements worth preserving. Christianity, particularly Catholicism ("Universalism"), appropriates popular spiritual traditions for its own "Roman psy-ops" ends, and the result is it has little to do with the teachings of its central figure.
Trump burned in effigy in Mexico - Reuters
Mexicans in Mexico begin Easter celebrations by burning Donald Trump effigies.
Easter mushroom ("bunny egg") hunt
Every spring the time-honored tradition of hunting for tasty treasures in the woods happens right when lilac bushes start blooming, dandelions start budding, and nighttime temps climb over 50 degrees. No, not an Easter egg hunt, I’m talking about hunting for one of the most elusive edible mushrooms on the planet: the morel. More

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