Monday, May 16, 2016

Mexico's Pussy Riot: Fighting Sexism (audio)

Las Hijas de Violencia; guest host Oscar Garza, reporter Elisa Dudley ("The Frame," May 16, 2016,; AJ+ (video); Crystal Quintero, Dhr. Seven, CC Liu, Wisdom Quarterly
Pussy Riot, Russian feminist protesters, punks, performance art collective (Denis Bochkarev)
(AJ+) Meet Las Hijas de Violencia, a Mexico City collective that fights street harassment with confetti guns and punk rock. Shot by video journalists Jeff Seal and Malena Gaze (ajplusenglish).

Pussy Riot (facebook)
The Hijas de Violencia ("Daughters of Violence") take a stand against widespread sexual harassment -- which usually comes in the form of catcalls, confrontations, and rape -- on the streets of Mexico. It's Pussy Riot for Latina punk rockers who aren't going to take it submissively anymore. Beware, they will shoot you in the face -- with confetti guns. Not everyone is happy with these upstarts and troublemakers out to subvert the patriarchy. Others are liberated by their peaceful resistance. AUDIO

Ali WongComedienne Ali Wong; PUNK rockers in South L.A.; Amazon takes on YouTube (The Frame, May 11) Ali Wong tackles everything from bodily functions, to specific sex acts, to the woes of feminism all while nearly eight months pregnant in her Netflix special, "Baby Cobra." There’s a new music scene taking over south Los Angeles and it’s not hip-hop. Amazon mounts a challenge to YouTube.

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