Tuesday, May 17, 2016

NEW Daily Show: "Redacted Tonight" (video)

Lee Camp, Redacted Tonight, May 13, 2016 (RT); Pat Macpherson, Teri Mei, Wisdom Quarterly
[99] Death of 2-Party System...
Redacted Tonight
Redacted Tonight
In this episode of "Redacted Tonight," comedian Lee Camp declares the DEATH of the two-party system’s stranglehold on American politics. (Actually, it's been One Party with two wings for a long time now). See Hillary humiliated in East LA as protesters shut her down on Cinco de Mayo.

The best of frenemies, Donny and Hillary.
Then he gets into it about how the mainstream media isn’t covering the biggest workers’ strike in decades, currently happening at Verizon, Inc.

Next up, an Italian judge rules that shoplifting isn’t a crime if the person is homeless and hungry -- Why can’t that happen in our country!?
Bernie for president
Correspondent John F. O’Donnell joins Lee to scurry all the way down the complicated rabbit hole that is the tragic US-backed Saudi Arabian war in Yemen.

And finally, correspondent Naomi Karavani reveals how the pro-Hillary super PAC “Correct the Record” is unethically, if not illegally, paying online trolls to undermine the Bernie Sanders campaign.

Marian MontagninoMarian Montagnino
Where can I see this guy live? He is awesome!
GeoGuy NZRedacted Tonight Hello, Marian Montagnino. You can be a part of our live audience in Washington D.C. Just e-mail Redactedtix@gmail.com!
    He's like the new Jon Stewart.
    Prophis Prophis 
    The New Daily Show
    This is my new Daily Show...pure gold. :)
    How to connect
    • Redactivist Movement (Redacted Tonight) YouTube
    • Facebook (Facebook) for source material, daily updates
    • Twitter (Twitter) funny info, weekly hashtag
    • Lee Camp’s official site (LeeCamp.net) and podcast:
    • "Moment of Clarity: The Backstage of Redacted Tonight"

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