Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Bernie LIVE election night speech (video)

"The struggle [revolution] continues!"

UPDATE: Bernie stays in the campaign all the way to Pennsylvania for the DNC (Democratic National Convention). Whatever he might have said to anyone -- Clinton or Obama or those around him -- he instead stayed on track. The revolutionary train is going to take it all the way. Plan B? Same as Plan A!

Bernie Sanders Speeches & Events
She's a huge b-tch!
Following the AP's psy ops operation calling the primary election before voting in the largest state and five other important states -- not to mention the Democratic party's voter suppression making it difficult for independents to have their votes counted (instead being given worthless provisional ballots or being turned away or being cleansed from voter rolls -- Sen. Sanders will make a "big announcement" sometime after 10:00 pm live from Los Angeles.

California Primary Election Night in Santa Monica, California (Tuesday, 6-7-16) full speech: Bernie Sanders would have given us "A Future to Believe In" in Los Angeles, but people associated with the campaign are reportedly saying he's going to wrap it up tonight. Join supporters and schadenfreude-loving onlookers on election night live online right here. Start time: Tuesday, June 7, 2016 10:00 pm Pacific Standard Time, Wednesday, June 8, 2016 1:00 am on the East Coast.

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