Friday, June 3, 2016

Death takes boxer Muhammad Ali (video)

Seth Auberon, Ashley Wells, Dhr. Seven, Wisdom Quarterly; LIVE UPDATES:
Mara Devaputra, the Death Angel, patiently waits for an opening (
Death is coming for who?! I gotta get out of here! - It's no use, champ. Your time's up.

America's favorite Muslim convert, Muhammad Ali (rejected slave name Cassius Marcellus Clay, Jr.) has passed away at 74 surrounded by family, suffering gravely from a career total of 29,000 punches to the body and the consequent traumatic brain injury and Parkinson's disease. The final cause of death was associated with old age. Ali  (January 17, 1942-June 3, 2016) was the greatest figure in sports for decades thanks in some part to the ABC television network and announcer Howard Cossell.

Don't waste your life. Live, YOU, live! (Ali)
He was best known as a pro boxer, heavyweight champion, civil rights icon, conscientious objector, war resister, and father of 9. Early in his career, Ali was a controversial and polarizing figure in and out of the ring. A tough guy who could fight Death with gloves off, he was alas overtaken. So what chance do we have against the inevitable? Death is the "impossible possibility."

When Death (Mara the Tempter) came to dissuade Siddhartha from gaining enlightenment, he was too late. Siddhartha had awakened, become the Buddha, and overcome death, rebirth (samsara), and all suffering, and found the undying peace of nirvana.
He remains one of the most recognized sports figures of the past 100 years, according to Wikipedia, and was crowned "Sportsman of the Century" by Sports Illustrated and "Sports Personality of the Century" by the BBC. He also wrote several best-selling books about his career, including The Greatest: My Own Story and The Soul of a Butterfly.

I float like a butterfly, sting like a bee;
His hands can't block what his eyes can't see.

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