Sunday, June 5, 2016

No Middle Ground: Bernie or Hillary? (comics)

CC Liu, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly; André Coleman, Kevin Uhrich  (PW, 6-2-16)
Yet Another Installment of Primary Phenomena (Tom Tomorrow/This Modern World)
No Middle Ground
Sanders and Clinton battle for soul of Democratic Party
André Coleman, Kevin Uhrich (edited by Wisdom Quarterly)
During the last presidential election, failed Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton held a fundraiser at the Twin Palms in Old Pasadena, just across the street from Pasadena Weekly offices and down the way from Wisdom Quarterly offices.
Clinton’s local appearance came a few months after Barack Obama -- a former Pasadena resident (who allegedly attended Occidental College in neighboring Eagle Rock) -- made his own attempt to drum up support at a fundraiser in Pasadena.
But eight years later, neither of the primary candidates -- one of whom is Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders -- have plans to visit.

"Bernie's Plan B: Follow me to Hillary?
Despite bypassing Pasadena, local Democrats and liberals are still passionate about their candidates. And there appears to be little middle ground in how supporters feel about their favorites.
"Candidates we can get behind" (Sorensen/

“I’m voting for Bernie Sanders because he represents what the Democrats used to be -- progressive,” said Pasadena resident Allison Schermerhorn, a young television producer.

But “I think [Clinton] has the most experience,” said local African American politician, a member of the Hillary Clinton campaign’s National Finance Committee, Pasadena City Council member J. Kennedy.

He didn’t dispute Schermerhorn's contention: [Allison] may be correct, at least inasmuch as Bernie Sanders being the better progressive. But Clinton possesses other important qualities, he said.

Like what? Well, Republicans like her.

What more could you ask for in a Democratic candidate? “She is known for being an advocate for bipartisanship [compromise with Republicans],” Kennedy said.

“Although of late you could not tell because of the national dialogue, but many of the same Republicans attacking her now were her greatest supporters at one point.” More

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