Saturday, July 9, 2016

New mountain lion kittens born in L.A. (sutra)

Kellie Galentine (SCPR); Ven. Ñanamoli, Ven. Bodhi; Ashley Wells, Xochitl, Wisdom Quarterly
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These mountain lion kittens are two of five discovered in June by National Park Service researchers in the nearby Santa Susana Mountains. Two litters were discovered with three females and two males (National Park Service via
Say hello to 2 new litters of mountain kittens
Santa Susana Mtns above LA (Oakshade)
The Santa Susana Mountains [above L.A.] have five new residents, and their cuteness factor is a welcome distraction from news of email scandals and our many American wars.
National Park Service researchers discovered two litters of mountain lion kittens last month, making them the 10th and 11th litters to be tagged at a den site.
The first litter discovered June 8 includes two females whose mother is 6-year-old P-35, according to a statement from the National Park Service.
The second litter -- one female and two males -- was found in a cave-like area hidden behind boulders on June 22. Their mother, P-39, appears unimpressed by the camera spying on her hidden haven in the video... More + VIDEO

We can save wildlife with freeway overpass corridors like Canada

The Lion's Roar: Two Discourses of the Buddha
Ven. Bhikkhu Ñanamoli (trans.), edited and revised by Bhikkhu Bodhi, with further editing and revision by Dhr. Seven, Amber Larson, Wisdom Quarterly

EDITOR'S NOTE: The original translations of the two sutras by Ven. Ñanamoli are taken from his complete translation of the Middle Length Discourses (Majjhima Nikaya) edited and revised for publication by Wisdom Publications, Boston (1994/95).

The numbers enclosed in square brackets are the page numbers of the Pali Text Society edition of the original Pali language text. The introductions and notes are Bhikkhu Bodhi's. In these the following abbreviations are employed: DN (Digha Nikaya), MN (Majjhima Nikaya), Vbh. (Vibhanga), Comy. (Commentary).
The Shorter Discourse on the Lion's Roar
Look at the crown; I am king above all!
INTRODUCTION: Among the animals that roam the wild jungle, mountains, or plain, the lion is universally recognized to be chief. The living embodiment of self-possessed power, it is the most regal in manner and deportment, the mightiest, the foremost with respect to speed, courage, and dominion.

The expression of the lion's supremacy is its roar -- a roar which reduces to silence the cries, howls, bellows, shrieks, barks, and growls of all lesser creatures. When the lion steps forth from its den and sounds its roar, all of the other animals stop and listen. On such an occasion none dares even to sound its own cry, let alone to come into the open and challenge the fearless, unsurpassable roar of the golden-maned king/queen of beasts.

The secret social lives of lions (
The Buddha's discourses, as found in the ancient Pali canon, frequently draw their imagery from the rich and varied animal life of the lush Indian jungle. It is thus not surprising that when the Buddha has occasion to refer to himself, he chooses to represent himself as the stately lion and to describe his proclamation of the Dhamma, bold and thunderous, as a veritable lion's roar in the spiritual domain.

The Collection of Middle Length Discourses contains two sutras that bear this metaphor in their title. These two -- No. 11 and No. 12 in the collection -- are called respectively the Shorter Discourse on the Lion's Roar and the Great Discourse on the Lion's Roar. The variation in their titles, signaled by the Pali words cula, "minor," and maha, "great," evidently refers at one level to their different lengths, the one being four pages in the Pali, the other 16.

At another level, these different designations may refer to the relative weight of the subject matter with which they deal, the "great" discourse being a rare revelation by the Buddha of his exalted spiritual endowments and all-encompassing knowledge, which entitle him to "roar his lion's roar" in the assemblies of human beings and devas (divinities, "shining ones," gods).

Still, both sutras, as their controlling image suggests, are of paramount importance. Each delivers in its own way an eloquent and inspiring testimony to the uniquely emancipating nature of the Buddha's Teaching and the peerless stature of the teacher of devas and humans among the spiritual guides of humanity.

Long Beach City Hall becomes Kitty Hall
The Pali Commentaries explain that there are two kinds of lion's roar, that of the Buddha and that of disciples. The former is sounded when the Buddha extols his own attainments or proclaims the potency of the doctrine, the Dharma, he has realized, the latter, when accomplished disciples testify to their own achievement of the final goal, the fruit of [the noble ones'] full enlightenment.

Viewed in the light of this distinction, the Shorter Discourse on the Lion's Roar exhibits a hybrid character, being a sutra spoken by the Buddha to instruct his disciples how they should affirm, in discussions with others who hold different convictions [from other traditions], the singular greatness of this Dharma [path of practice that leads to enlightenment made known by the Buddha]. More

Is it safe to have lions roaming around dense urban populations like LA? (Die Antwoord)

LA County has over 10 million people at any given time...and only 41 lions (NPS).

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