Saturday, July 23, 2016

News of the Day: Jon Stewart Returns! (video)

Pat Macpherson, Ashley Wells, Seth Auberon, CC Liu, Wisdom Quarterly
(The Late Show with Stephen Colbert  Jon Stewart) Some stories, like the ouster of serial sexual harasser and attempted rapist (of a 16-year-old child), FOX News head and chairman Roger Ailes, are too big for one late night host to tackle alone.
(The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon) Trump delivers unexpected speech on Night 2 of the RNC to address the controversy surrounding Melania.
(Stephen Colbert) Ohio Republican delegate Frank Walters reports live from the floor, where he's experiencing an unexpected surge in popularity.
Unconventional convention coverage from Democracy Now! Friday, July 22, 2016 see past shows. Download: Video Audio Get CD/DVD More Formats

Hell no, DNC, we won't vote for Hillary!
Garry Marshall ruined my life
He ruined all our lives with terrible programming, churlish and juvenile. "Happy Days" may have been the single most harmful tripe on the tube, not that anyone would ever know it with all the worse shows Marshall was responsible for. But it's its popularity that made the Fonz and Richie C. translate onto the small screen from "American Graffiti." Garry Marshall, "being important is nice, but being nice is more important."
(Last Week Tonight with John Oliver)

HEADLINES July 22, 2016
VIDEO: Texas officer: Blacks have "violent tendencies"
The video is surfacing amid heightened nationwide tension over police treatment of black people. "For those that think life is perfect for people of color, I want you to listen to that conversation and tell me we don't have social issues in this nation," said Acevedo, who is Hispanic. "Issues of bias. Issues of racism. Issues of people being looked at different because of their color." 

Why black men fear that any police encounter could go awry
Charles Kinsey held his hands in the air and shouted to police that the autistic man sitting on the street next to him wasn't dangerous. A few seconds later, he felt a bullet rip into his leg. The therapist, who is black and works with people with disabilities, was rounding up a patient who had wandered away from a facility when he was ordered by police officers to lie on the ground. Kinsey imagined that "as long as I've got my hands up, they're not going to shoot me. This is what I'm thinking. Wow, was I wrong," he told a television station.
Houston police release videos from deadly shooting
HOUSTON, Texas - Officials in Houston released video Thursday showing police officers shooting a black man who police said had been holding a gun while standing in a street. The footage from the July 9 incident included the recording from a convenience store surveillance camera that shows Alva Braziel, 38, in the distance. The video is dark and it's difficult to see clearly what Braziel has in his hand and what happened in the moments before officers fired.
HEADLINES July 21, 2016

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