Thursday, July 7, 2016

Racist police kill blacks; Dallas man shoots back

Pfc. Sandoval, Ashley Wells, CC Liu, Wisdom Quarterly; RT; AP via NEW UPDATED
Turnkey "police state" ready to be deployed at any time with civilian stormtroopers (AP).
STOP POLICE BRUTALITY or just blame victims and guns (AP via
Peaceful demonstration following killer cop shooting in Minnesota, police overkill (AP)

(RT) Eleven officers have been shot by two snipers, leaving four officers dead and two in surgery, according to the Dallas police chief. A civilian was also wounded in the shooting that broke out during peaceful protests against police violence in downtown Dallas. Both snipers are now in custody. [And the real lone sniper is about to be executed by police with a robot bomb.]
(RT) Our tax dollars at work: This is what the US military trains recruits to do to innocents in other countries who dare defy American business plans under the pretext of militancy or terrorism, now brought home to roost. This dramatic video shows an exchange of gunfire between a suspect and a cop trying to kill him on a sidewalk outside a building in downtown Dallas. Five officers were killed and seven were wounded during a protest over police murders of innocent black men in other states, authorities said.
(RT) Police menace civilians as they sport guns eager to execute anyone they suspect of having a gun or being too black or lacking sufficient obedience and respect for their authority as they cower in the face of an unknown sniper in downtown Dallas. [Aftermath? Now civilian police can demand and receive military training to deal with civilians.]
Only one shooter? Sure there was, a loner and US military-trained killer (AP via
    Thanks, Mica, for taking up the spotlight!
  • VIDEO: Will Hillary Clinton be indicted? Probe REOPENED Breaking news from the State Department reopens probe of how Hillary Clinton used private server and cell phone to violate serious laws without being charged due to double-standard.
  • LA Sheriff's Dept. removes shooting data from its website LASD will no longer report to the public whether deputies are deemed in or out of policy when they shoot suspects, after the union that represents rank-and-file cops objected. In June, that information was scrubbed from its website. has posted the previously available data. More
    FOX News shows exciting Dallas footage as if race war is beginning

(HM/WAFB 9) Disturbing video emerges of murder of Alton Sterling, NOT holding gun when executed as a victim of excessive force by Baton Rouge police. Watch extended footage.
Guilty until proven innocent, Baton Rouge ()

The police won't stop killing because the DA, courts, and federal investigators do nothing to hold the guilty accountable for their crimes. The power of racism is too strong with whites on the side holding all the cards (AP).
"There is NO justice...It's just us!" Baton Rouge, Louisiana demonstrators (AP).
Some people in this country want to return to the days of slavery and white male rule.
Anti-violence group captured video of deadly police shooting
BATON ROUGE, La. - Over the past decade, a Baton Rouge anti-violence group has filmed the aftermath of more than 30 deadly shootings in the city. Its most recent video, capturing a police shooting that [targeted and] killed a black man outside a convenience store, has reverberated far beyond Louisiana's capital. More

After deadly shootings, Obama says police must root out bias
WASHINGTON, DC - Pres. Obama called on American law enforcement to root out bias [prejudice, racism, fear, cowardice, phobia, and discrimination] in its ranks and said all Americans should be troubled by frequent police shootings of blacks and Hispanics, insisting that fatal incidents in Minnesota and Louisiana are not isolated. More
Community remembers slain Louisiana man known as "Big Boy"
Punitive mentality of police cadets (AP)
BATON ROUGE, Louisiana - The 37-year-old man [murdered] by Baton Rouge police was a good-humored person nicknamed "Big Boy" who was orphaned young, loved children, and earned a living selling CDs of music downloaded from the Internet, said family and friends who knew him.

"All lives matter," even black ones?
[As for the killers? They were just common police full of fear and antipathy for the black communities they occupy like "slave patrols" of the antebellum south, acting with impunity because even if charged the DA who prosecutes them will do everything to protect them and get them off.] More

The Latest: Aunt calls for peaceful protest at vigil
If you're black, why are you dressed like us, sir?
BATON ROUGE, La. - The Latest on the police murder of a Baton Rouge man (all times local): 9:00 pm An aunt of the Louisiana man killed by police has pleaded with protesters to remain peaceful as hundreds gathered for a vigil. More
Governor's spokesman talks about federal probe
BATON ROUGE, La. - The Latest on the fatal police shooting of a black man in Baton Rouge. (All times local): 2:45 pm A spokesman for the Louisiana governor says the Justice Department will look into not only whether civil rights were violated in the death of Alton Sterling, but also whether there were any other violations of state and federal law. More

Angry U.S. military man takes revenge into his own hands against killer cops (AP).

DC: Marshall law? We're ready. Paramilitary training will be used against civilians (AP)
Video shows gruesome aftermath of Minnesota police shooting
FALCON HEIGHTS, Minnesota - A woman [Diamond or Lavish Reynolds] who watched as a policeman fatally shot [murdered] her boyfriend during a petty traffic stop streamed the gruesome aftermath of the slaying live on Facebook, telling a worldwide audience that her companion had been shot "for no apparent reason" while reaching for his wallet [as he was instructed to do by an armed officer who then decided to kill him for "reaching" for his wallet]. More
...thereby promoting the U.S. military-industrial complex with help of complicit mainstream media: "Islamic State tightens grip on captives held as SEX slaves" KHANKE, Iraq - The advertisement on the Telegram app is as chilling as it is incongruous: A girl for sale is "Virgin. Beautiful. 12 years old....Her price has reached $12,500 and she will be sold soon." More

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