Friday, August 19, 2016

PORN: a special investigation (video)

BBC; Crystal Quintero, Ashley Wells, Seth Auberon, CC Liu (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly PART I

(Njoy) Jade, 22, graduated with a degree in fashion from Manchester Metropolitan Univ. in the summer of 2015. But rather than work in the world of fashion, Jade -- porn star name "Carly Rae Summers" -- has decided to pursue a career in pornography. This documentary film follows Jade as she embarks on her new full-time career, traveling to shoots in London, Barcelona, and Prague, and explores the practical and ethical issues that surround a young female porn actress in Britain today. Why would a well-educated young woman with a range of career options choose to pursue porn as a career?

My new keyboard only has two keys.
(WQ) A frank exploration of the issues that surround pornography and the exploitative porn industry.

What is pornography? Unlike "obscenity," it's easy to spot -- nudity, arousal, prurient interest, debased images, violence, exploitation, harassment, rape, incest, coercion, force, fraud...

Many Westerners in this generation have been brought up on porno -- easy access to every type of boat-floating images, video, and animation.

What is porn?
Advice: Porn (
It is any material (words, sounds, pictures) designed to be sexually arousing. Anatomy pictures may be sexually explicit, but not intended to be arousing. That's the difference.
How big is the porn industry?
Yazidi sex slave, post acid attack (AP)
Almost all adults have seen some type of pornographic material by choice or accident. Since the arrival of the internet, pornography is far more readily available and less regulated.
Around 25 percent of all internet searches are for pornographic content, and on average almost 30,000 people are looking at porn at any given second.
Shockingly, an investigation by the London School of Economics found that 90 percent of youngsters between... More

Jade: Why I Chose Porn
There were social factors in my "choice."
…Summers -- has decided to pursue a career in porn…star in Britain today. Why would a well-educated young woman with a range of career options choose to pursue a career in porn?
"The Tempest" - FREE Shakespeare in the Park, Griffith Park, Los Angeles (
(CBS Los Angeles) Guns n' Roses (GNR) kicks off two nights at Dodger Stadium, L.A.

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