Saturday, September 10, 2016

"Incontrovertible" 9/11 documentary (video)

Tony Rooke (incontrovertible911evidence/911familymember); Pfc. Sandoval, Wisdom Quarterly

Hillary Clinton collapses due to her Parkinson's disease, which brought on her pneumonia (from aspirated saliva full of germs), which her handlers are all attributing to the laughable Hollywood drug addict's go-to "dehydration and exhaustion."

Anyone can see I'm dehydrated and gravely ill.
She is disqualified from the presidency even with the FBI, Obama, and others all covering for her many crimes and history of lying under oath and otherwise.

(Next News Network) BREAKING NEWS: Hillary collapses in NYC, struggles to walk, loses shoe, rushed to emergency care away from cameras and media. It's another collapse in NYC, this time it's Hillary Clinton. Dr. Ted Noel joins host Gary Franchi to analyze Clinton's latest failing health episode on the campaign trail and how it relates to her history of Parkinson's Disease. More

911familymemberIncontrovertible: 9/11 documentary by Tony Rooke is a film for police and fire fighters by police and fire fighters.


"Simply put, this is not just the best film I've seen on 911, it's the best film I have seen all year."
- Sergeant John Meaders, 32 year veteran California police officer

“One of the best 911 movies ever made!”
- Kevin Barrett, Truth Jihad Radio

"All family members of a 9/11 victim should watch this film."
- Matt Campbell, victim family member

"Incontrovertible is technically brilliant"
- Ian Henshall, author 9/11 Revealed' & '9/11 The New Evidence

"Moving, powerful & informative"
- Niels Harrit, veteran truth campaigner

"Artfully crafted -- manages to convince cumulatively that there are still questions to answer"
- Joe Gill, journalist, Middle East Eye

"Absolutely first rate! The film manages to navigate the broad aspects of 9/11, with all the complexity, and even tie it with 7/7 and JFK, while avoiding the pitfalls of discredited speculative theories. I have no hesitation in sharing this with anyone"
- David Chandler, retired physics teacher
Section 15, Article 3 of the Terrorism Act (2000) states:

(3) A person commits an offence if he— (a) provides money or other property, and (b) knows or has REASONABLE CAUSE to suspect that it will or may be used for the purposes of terrorism.

This film gives us more than REASONABLE CAUSE to suspect that in the UK we are ALL guilty of funding the purposes of terrorism through our taxes and funding of the BBC.

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