Sunday, December 11, 2016

Jill Stein is more popular than ever

Kathleen Ronayne (Associated Press via Yahoo News); Wisdom Quarterly
Questioning US election at Trump Tower
Long before presidential recounts crossed her mind, trash dumping and mercury contamination pushed Jill Stein into politics.
Stein, a physician, joined a 1990s movement to shut down or better regulate mercury-polluting incinerators in Massachusetts. She authored papers on child neurological damage and spoke at public gatherings. She testified at hearings as a medical expert.
Massachusetts eventually enacted strict limits on mercury emissions, and a few incinerators closed. But Stein had begun to see the system as set up to block change, and when the Green Party recruited her to run for governor in 2002, she took the chance.
"I was part of a very frustrated public health initiative, and then the Green Party came to me and said, 'Why don't you run for office?'" Stein said in an October interview with The Associated Press. "I said, 'Everything else is failing, I might as well try electoral politics.'" More

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