Sunday, December 11, 2016

Why the color BLUE isn't (video)

Dhr. Seven, Ashley Wells, Amber Larson, Wisdom Quarterly; RadioLab; MSN; Lana Del Rey
The sky isn't really blue, RadioLab reveals. It's an illusion. See story below (

Over deep blue sea, under sky blue sky, no, over and under the clear (Homer/Odyssey)

Dr. James Fox explains the mysteries of blue for CNN via MSN via Yahoo (MSN).
Why is the color blue so rare in the wild?
Gandhara art Buddha
Why is Wisdom Quarterly blue? Blue is smart, very smart. Blue is the world's favorite color. Half are wearing it now. But in the natural world, blue is uncommon -- from foods to animals. Only two vertebrates out of 64,000 in the world have blue pigments. The sky and water are NOT blue; that is only an optical illusion. The Buddha had blue eyes (as blue as the Afghan Buddhist stone lapis lazuli). Blue eyes are NOT blue but pale brown. (So much for an Aryan/alien difference).

Blue is so elusive, many ancient languages had no word for it or were slow to come up with one (see next story), like the Ancient Greek of Homer. Blue doesn't really exist in our world but only hovers on its edges. So it is ironic that we all live on a moist pale blue planet. Watch

(Lana Del Rey) Lana has the blues (again): "My baby lives in shades of blue" in "Shades of Cool"

Why isn't the sky blue? (Story 211213) edited by Wisdom Quarterly

What is the color of honey and "faces pale with fear"?

If you're the world-famous Ancient Greek writer Homer -- one of the most influential poets in history -- that color is green. And the sea is "wine-dark," just like oxen...though sheep are violet. Which all sounds, well, really off.

Radiolab Producer Tim Howard introduces linguist Guy Deutscher and the story of William Gladstone (a British prime minister back in the 1800s, who was a huge Homer-phile). Gladstone conducted an exhaustive study of every color reference in the great Grecian epics The Odyssey and The Iliad.

It's true: "Blue" eyes are actually pale brown!
He found something startling: no blue! Howard pays a visit to the New York Public Library, where a book of German philosophy from the late 19th Century helps reveal a pattern: across all cultures, words for colors appear in stages...and blue always comes last.

Jules Davidoff, professor of neuropsychology at the University of London, helps make sense of the way different people see different colors in the same place.

Then Guy Deutscher tells how he experimented on his daughter Alma when she was just starting to learn the colors of the world around, and above, her. More

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