Wednesday, December 21, 2016

SUTRA: Mara's power (video)

Ven. Thanissaro (trans.), Amber Larson, Wisdom Quarterly, Marapasa Sutra (SN 35.115)
(WLP) Viewer discretion advised. The world is sicker than we thought. Christians are piss*ed.
Mara's a devilish Cupid/Kamadeva
"Meditators, there are sights [forms, shapes] cognizable through the eye -- agreeable, pleasing, charming, endearing, fostering desire, enticing.

"If a meditator relishes them, welcomes them, and remains fastened to them, one is said to be a meditator fettered to sights cognizable through the eye. One has gone over to Mara's camp; one has come under Mara's power. The Evil One can do with one as he wills.
  • "There are sounds cognizable through the ear...
  • "There are scents cognizable through the nose...
  • "There are savors cognizable through the tongue...
  • "There are tactile sensations cognizable through the [skin of the] body...
Ahhh, you're no fun (Mara Stewie)
"There are things cognizable through the mind -- agreeable, pleasing, charming, endearing, fostering desire, enticing. If a meditator relishes them, welcomes them, and remains fastened to them, one is said to be a meditator fettered to things cognizable through the mind. One has gone over to Mara's camp; one has come under Mara's power. The Evil One can do with one as he wills.
"[On the other hand,] there are sights cognizable through the eye -- agreeable, pleasing, charming, endearing, fostering desire, enticing. If a meditator does NOT relish them, welcome them, or remain fastened to them, one is said to be a meditator freed from sights cognizable through the eye. One has not gone over to Mara's camp; one has not come under Mara's power. The Evil One cannot do with one as he wills.
  • "There are sounds cognizable through the ear...
  • "There are scents cognizable through the nose...
  • "There are savors cognizable through the tongue...
  • "There are tactile sensations cognizable through the [skin of the] body...
"There are things cognizable through the mind -- agreeable, pleasing, charming, endearing, fostering desire, enticing. If a meditator does not relish them, welcome them, or remain fastened to them, one is said to be a meditator freed from things cognizable through the mind. One has not gone over to Mara's camp; one has not come under Mara's power. The Evil One cannot do with one as he wills."

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