Sunday, January 22, 2017

Pussy (hat) Riot, Los Angeles (video)

Pussy Riot; Ashley Wells, CC Liu, Dhr. Seven, Crystal Quintero, Sheldon S., Wisdom Quarterly; Sara Fay, Paige Osburn, Josie Huang (KPCC FM, Southern California Public Radio/
L.A. march a success -- too many marchers!
Don John Trump is not my president.
LOS ANGELES, California (WQ) - The Metro trains going to DTLA for the Los Angeles sister march to the Women's March on Washington had long lines all along their route. Tens of thousands of eager participants waited to board. But arriving in downtown the crowds only got thicker.

Nadya et al's Pussy Riot: A Punk Prayer (the Russian rockers' movie)

Filmed over six months, this film tells the incredible story of three young women -- Nadia, Masha, and Katia, members of the feminist art collective. Sacrilege: they perform a 40-second "punk prayer" inside Russia's main Christian cathedral. This protest led to their arrest on charges of religious hatred and culminated in a trial that has reverberated around the world and transformed the face of Russian society forever.

Emma Stone, Women's March, hat added.
With unparalleled access and exclusive footage, A Punk Prayer looks at the real people behind their now famous colorful headgear (balaclavas). Following the bizarre and intricate twists of the trial, three young women fight back against injustice -- a system that seems impervious to logic. From their family and friends, the film explores what transformed them from political activists to modern-day icons.
As they defend their convictions from a cage inside a courtroom, the face of Pussy Riot (a large collective anyone can join with a balaclava) plan new guerilla performances and cultivate a protest movement across the globe. Moving from farce to tragedy and back again, the film explores how political and religious forces contrive to make an example out of females who step out of line. But the world and its ruling powers get more than they bargained for. It's time for a Pussy Riot!

When it came time to move from Pershing Square gathering place, where there was a rally and speakers, the massive city blocks could not hold everyone who wanted to march.

So three simultaneous marches on three massive parallel blocks oozed toward City Hall to hear more speakers for the main gathering.

No, don't eat cat, Vegans!
But even with three simultaneous marches, it was still very slow going.

It was peaceful, it was over-attended, and it was inspiring to all be on the same page for women (minorities, LGBTQ, workers, dreamers, etc.) and against Trump.

Let's give him a chance, of course. But what we've seen and heard from him before has not been inspiring, uniting, or suggestive of better times to come. Get with, Trump. Unite the people against a corrupt government swamp and lying media. 

Women's March fills DTLA with signs, songs
"Without women there is no revolution" (K)
(SCPR) Many people trying to get to and from the Women's March Los Angeles encountered long lines and waits for Metro trains and buses. Metro says it added more cars to the trains and more frequent service, but long lines were reported throughout the city trying to get to the march in DTLA. More

A Guide to the Women's March in LA
Muslim Aneesa Andradi in LA (Josie Huang)
The march -- open to all, not just women -- [was] held Saturday in Downtown L.A. Organizers expect at least 100,000 people to attend, including a roster of artists, actors, and musicians. Get details on time, location, route, speakers, organizers, getting there, and how the event got started. More + PHOTOS

"As [citizens of the world], our goal is to change the world." We need a Pussy Riot.

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