Wednesday, February 8, 2017

No DAPL: Trump wants Dakota Pipeline

Want to help but can't go to camp? Help from home, get involved, show support. Here's how.
Water Protectors in North Dakota stop ETP's oil-spilling Dakota Access pipeline (AP).

A putsch is the kind of thing Hitler did to gain power. Autocrat Trump signed an executive order in favor of the billionaire oil corporation, Energy Transfer Partners (in partnership with Wells Fargo Bank and others), to ram through the project, overriding previous agreements and environmental protection procedures. Native Americans and allies plan to make a last stand against Trump, police, and corporations to protect the people and the water and the environment. Where do you stand? (Who me?) Yeah, you -- with corporations or defenders?

Water Protectors call for global mass mobilizations against Dakota Access pipeline

Amnesty Int'l (
(Democracy Now!) On Tuesday, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers said Tuesday it will greenlight the final phase of construction of the pipeline. Amnesty International called the announcement "an unlawful and appalling violation of human rights." In recent months, police have launched an escalating and violent crackdown against the resistance at Standing Rock. Last week, more than 70 people were arrested after militarized police raided a new resistance camp set up on historic Sioux treaty land. Among those arrested was award-winning Pueblo journalist Jenni Monet, who was on assignment for Indian Country Media Network. More

Indian Country Media Network (
Amnesty Int'l news alerts: Trump's seven first steps to sabotage human rights
Army to allow completion of oil pipeline
BISMARCK, North Dakota - The Army said Tuesday that it will allow the $3.8 billion Dakota Access oil pipeline to cross under a Missouri River reservoir in North Dakota, clearing the way for completion of the disputed four-state project. More

Signing away Obama, Trump wants Keystone XL, Dakota pipelines
Donald TrumpWASHINGTON, DC - Pres. Trump moved swiftly today to advance the controversial Keystone XL and Dakota Access oil pipelines [DAPL, a corporate project of Energy Transfer Partners and Wells Fargo Bank], signing executive actions to aggressively overhaul America's energy policy and deal a sharp blow to Barack Obama's legacy on climate change. More 
Proposed fine against Dakota Access company to get hearing
Aerial view of police and protesters (AP)
BISMARCK, N.D. - The developer of the Dakota Access pipeline will have to present evidence at a hearing to prove the company didn't willfully violate North Dakota rules when it failed to provide details of how it planned to avoid disturbing Native American artifacts during construction, state regulators said. More

Do what I say, do what I say! - No, Trump (AP)
Construction of the Dakota Access pipeline is prompting indigenous-led water protectors to call for a "last stand" against the $3.8 billion project. In a letter to Congress, acting Army Sec'y Robert Speer said the Army Corps will cancel an environmental impact study of the Dakota Access pipeline and will grant an easement today allowing the corporation Energy Transfer Partners to drill under Lake Oahe on the Missouri River. Moreover, the Army Corps also said it would suspend a customary 14-day waiting period following its order, meaning the company could immediately begin boring a tunnel for the final one-and-a-half miles of pipe. Standing Rock Sioux Tribal Council Chair Dave Archambault II is interviewed. More

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