Sunday, February 5, 2017

That Super [Dish] Football Game (video)

Editors, Wisdom Quarterly (Feb. 5, 2017); SNL; 10Everything; Fix Is In
(10Everything) Top 10 Super Bowl Commercials 2017 (Super Bowl LI, Super Bowl 51)

The witch behind Gaga? No, it's just "art"
Watch daring and funny 2017 Super Bowl commercials as corporate sponsors spend money to make much more money. We don't call it corporate capitalism for nothing. Somebody put a $1 million bet on the Falcons this Super Bowl: Will Tom "DeflateGate" Brady lead the Patriots to a fifth Super Bowl victory? What are viewers to expect from Lady Gaga's Illuminati halftime show? If only there was a way to get live updates, player news from Houston before Patriots vs. Falcons. The Patriots are set to play their ninth Super Bowl Super Bowl 2017. What are the latest bets on the coin toss and more?

Hey, how 'bout a li'l privacy? I have to deflate
Performers and schedule of events and even a pre-halftime press conference to lob softball questions at Lady Gaga, who answers surprisingly well almost as if she were coached or a seasoned politician or given the questions ahead of time then coached how to answer them. All that public relations money is finally paying off. (By the way, if you're gambling, this game is fixed. Yes, The Fix Is In).

(SNL) Alec Baldwin returns as Trump to botch some calls. Prepare for war.

(SNL) Melissa McCarthy nails aggro White House Press Sec'y Sean Spicer.
Gambling? The game is fixed!
Before you gamble, read this book!
The Fix Is In: Showbiz Manipulations of the NFL, MLB, NBA, NHL & NASCAR sheds light on the cozy arrangements between the television networks and the major sports leagues. It will prove to you that professional sports are nothing but a spotlight-craving, show business industry and its owners are more concerned with turning a profit than winning championships. It details what's been fixed, how it was done, and most importantly -- why.

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