Friday, March 24, 2017

"Anti-Semitism"? Israel arrests Jewish suspect

(NY) US Jews [that number fewer than 1 million] wrestle with arrest of a terrorist Jew in "anti-Semitic" bomb threats case: Jewish groups had pointed to scores of bomb threats against their communities as the most dramatic example of what they considered a surge in anti-Semitism. Some blamed a far-right emboldened by Pres. Trump. Now, that profitable propaganda, which leads to many more donations from scared and shamed US Jews, has been upturned by the arrest of an Israeli-American Jewish hacker for the crimes (AP).

UPDATE, March 29, 2017: Israeli Knesset reaches out to US Jews (AP/
Israel arrests hacker linked to threats on US Jewish centers
The US-Jewish terrorist, 19, from Israel
JERUSALEM - A 19-year-old American-Israeli Jew was arrested Thursday as the prime suspect in a wave of bomb threats against U.S. Jewish community centers, a startling turn in a case that had stoked fears of rising anti-Semitism in the United States.
I'm the least anti-Semitic person, Jews.
A 19-year-old dual U.S.-Israeli citizen covers his face as he is brought to court in Rishon Lezion, Israel, Thursday, March 23, 2017.

Israeli police said they have arrested a Jewish Israeli man [terrorist] who is the prime suspect behind a wave of bomb threats against Jewish community centers and other institutions in the United States. The police withheld his identity.
New settlements "may not be helpful" (CNN)
The surprising arrest of the man, a hacker who holds dual Israeli and American citizenship, came after a trans-Atlantic investigation with the FBI and other international law enforcement agencies. U.S. Jewish groups welcomed the breakthrough in the case, which had drawn condemnation from Pres. Trump.
Israel passes self-serving law in Palestine (AP)
Israeli police described the suspect as a hacker, but said his motives were still unclear.

"He's the guy who was behind the JCC threats," police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said, referring to the scores of anonymous threats phoned in to Jewish community centers in the U.S. over the past two months.
Police banned publication of his name, but said he was a dual citizen and would remain in custody until at least March 30. During the arrest raid, they said he tried to grab an officer's gun but was stopped by another officer. More

Bibi: Anti-Semitism in the US is rampant. Why won't damn Trump speak up about it? (AP)

Told you. I have the biggest pro-Israel bias.

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