Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Standing Rock, Keystone XL (Censored News)

Brenda Norrell, Anayanse Garza (CENSORED NEWS); Xochitl, Tanya, Wisdom Quarterly

Grandmother Regina, who is about 80 years old, was arrested today as militarized police attacked unarmed Water Protectors in a prayer ceremony in the Standing Rock camps.
Water Protector Erick was arrested with a police rifle pointed in his face as he smudged and prayed with the herb sage. One relative was arrested as he prayed with the Sacred Pipe.
An Inipi was smashed by police. About 45 Water Protectors, including neutral reporters, were arrested as the Oceti Sakowin and Rosebud camps were attacked by militarized police and federal agents. Bulldozers destroyed structures. More + Spanish translation

Standing Rock Indigenous Women's Divestment Delegation to Norway (CN, 3/27/17)
Censored News: What Twitter doesn't want you to know (bsnorrell.blogspot.com)
What about the Keystone XL pipeline?
Trump grants approval for Keystone XL pipe
(WQ) This is happening in North Dakota now, and in the near future it will happen at the Keystone XL site thanks to Trump, corporate billionaires, and banks happy to trade our environment for cash:

(Washington Post) Pres. Trump announced Friday morning the granting of a permit for construction of the controversial Keystone XL pipeline, calling it “the first of many infrastructure projects” that he would approve... [Wells Fargo Bank must be excited.] More

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