Tuesday, March 21, 2017

The Church of Seitan (VEGAN Sundays)

Editors, Wisdom Quarterly; Church of Satan.com (meetup.com)
Vegan taco truck (savory green jackfruit), vegan cupcakes, DJ music, free bingo, prizes!

Calm down. Those in the know are aware that "seitan" is just a misleading Japanese name for "wheat meat."

What is it? It's toxic plant gluten as a lump of that feels, looks, cooks, and taste like whatever seasoning is added, which sauteed soy sauce can make taste like meat.

Satan is another altogether different lump Christians used to worry about. He's sort of real, or beings who call themselves by that name, but most people don't worry about it anymore because religion has burned us and lied to us so much.

Tori Amos loves satin (sheets).
And satin is something Tori Amos like to indulge in for sensuality.

Like, who's the genius who first called soy curd "toe fu"? Not a great marketing move, but we can't expect everything to make sense in modern English.
Two clever gluten-free vegan hipsters, Melanie Maus and Ai the Vegan Cannibal, in Los Angeles thought it would be funny to name third Sundays at the Verdugo Bar in Glassell Park "The Church of Seitan."

Starting April 2nd the Verdugo Bar also features free Friendship Buddies Comedy Show night. Next service is on April 16, 2017. More

Clean up your body, save our planet, and be kind to animals (Vegan Starter Kit: peta.org)

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