Thursday, March 16, 2017

Who created religion? A plant (video)

What HERB makes a persontelepathic? Western "ayahuasca" -- Syrian rue, which contains the alkaloid telepathine or harmine.
Chris Everard presents a special episode that takes us on a psychedelic mystery tour to investigate the powerful mind-bending sacred plants that inspired the great religions. These ancient plants were traded by the prehistoric druid cultures of Europe. The shamans of Mexico were very familiar with them as well, deriving the essential substance from various plant sources. It exists in many things, even butterfly wings, and the human body saturating the mysterious pineal gland.


Harmine, also known as "telepathine," is a fluorescent harmala alkaloid belonging to the beta-carboline family of compounds. It occurs in a number of different plants, most notably the Middle Eastern plant harmal or Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) and the South American vine Banisteriopsis caapi (ayahuasca, yage, natema).

Harmine reversibly inhibits monoamine oxidase A (MAO-A), an enzyme which breaks down monoamines, making it a RIMA. Harmine selectively binds to MAO-A but does not inhibit the variant MAO-B. More

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