Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Beer Yoga? Wall? Flowers from Space? (video)

BBC.com/news, April 25, 2017; CC Liu, Dhr. Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Is it a joke, a German fad in Asia, a clever PR stunt, or a dismal reality? See below.

Wildflower "super bloom" visible from space
An explosion of wildflowers has covered the deserts of California, surpassing previous blooms in its enormous scale.  Satellite imaging startup Planet Labs has captured shots of the bright spectacle from space. Images Courtesy: Planet Labs; video courtesy: Carla D Gilbert, Henry Toro, and @nat.lee. Edited by Charlie Northcott. More
Beer at Yoga?

(BBC) Have you got the bottle for "beer yoga"? A new fitness craze from Germany, combining traditional yoga poses while drinking bottles of beer, is gaining popularity in Asia. Video
This goes completely against the Eight Factors or Limbs (Ashtanga) of Integral or Raja Yoga, which the Sage Patanjali outlined in The Yoga Sutras or Aphorisms. The purpose of yoga is meditation. Violating precepts does not lead to success in meditation or even in better posture, poise, strength, and balance for those just doing poses. But nobody cares about details. They care about being controlled by fads and counterintuitive diets or exercise programs or being "hipsters."
There will be NO wall between Mexico and US
    Demonstrators want no ban, no wall, sanctuary for all. And they'll get no wall.

    Pres. Trump's GOP backs down on building wall between US and Mexico. Trump lied.

    There will be no wall, but Trump can arrange a war on North Korea. So watch it.

      You won't mind if we give ourselves a tax break (on your backs), will you? Trump's smart.

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