Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Queen Hat; Egypt's female pharaohs (video)

Discovery History, 2017; Prof. Joann Fletcher; BBC, 2014; Dhr. Seven (ed.), Wisdom Quarterly

PHARAOH HATSHEPSUT: The Queen Who Would Be King
The topic of this episode of Discovery History is the queen of Egypt who became pharaoh. Queen Hatshepsut ruled in her husband's stead for seven years after his death. When her son Tuthmosis III came of age, Hatshepsut refused to step aside. She continued her rule as one of the most powerful pharaohs of all time. Until modern discoveries were made, both her son and their patriarchal society successfully conspired to hide her name from history and to obscure her stunning achievements from future generations. With dramatic re-enactments and art works, the story of Hatshepsut is finally told.

Egypt's Lost Queens (BBC)

Prof. Joann Fletcher explores what it was like to be a woman of power in ancient Egypt. Through a wealth of spectacular buildings, personal artifacts, and amazing tombs, Prof. Fletcher brings to life four of ancient Egypt's most powerful female rulers.

She discovers the remarkable influence wielded by women, whose power and freedom in Egypt was unique in the ancient world. Throughout Egypt's history, women held the title of pharaoh no fewer than 15 times, and many other women played key roles in running the state and shaping every aspect of life. Prof. Fletcher puts these influential women back at the heart of our understanding, revealing the other half of ancient Egypt.

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