Tuesday, April 4, 2017

The Anarchist Cookbook (video)

WM. POWELL OBIT: Steve Marble (latimes.com, 4-3-17); Dagbladet; FTD; Wisdom Quarterly
See the 2017 trailer for American Anarchist, a film about radical author William Powell.

William Powell wrote The Anarchist Cookbook
In 1969, an enraged 19-year-old American (dead at 66) caught up in the social unrest of the period holed up in the NY Public Library and pored through every shred of mayhem he could find -- declassified military documents, US Army field guides, electronic catalogs, insurrectionist pamphlets, and survivalist manuals and eventually emerged with The Anarchist Cookbook.
Anti-Trump protest, police state response (AP)
Containing detailed instructions for making TNT and “converting a shotgun into a grenade... More
[NOTE: If you order it, they'll track you and only be able to buy a heavily censored and redacted version of the bestseller for Lyle Stuart Inc., when you can probably find a real edition in a used bookstore somewhere. You have no right to read this in a free democracy. But a police state has a right, some would say an obligation, to censor it and keep it from you.]

What is anarchy?
Woo! Anarchy! Woo, yeah! (laweekly.com)
There can be no anarchy as a form of governance unless people take responsibility for themselves. Then if they want some governing, they choose it the way we are promised we get can choose. We do not choose. We get fed one thing and told it's another. Far from "chaos," as they train to believe, anarchy is anti-authoritarianism, rebellion, self-rule rather than accepting the oppression brought on by profiteers, capitalists (owners of the means of production), fascists with militarized police and legalized-violence as their instrument. This film explains it well:

Anarchism in America
(PacificStreetFilms.com/FTD) Search: "ForTheDishwasher," Twitter, Pinterest, DailyMotion

Say "(Hell) no!" to illegitimate authority.
Anarchism in America is a colorful and provocative 1983 survey of anarchism in America. The film dispels popular misconceptions about "anarchy" and traces the historical development of the American Anarchy Movement. The film explores the movement both as a native American philosophy stemming from 19th century American traditions of individualism, and as a foreign ideology brought to America by immigrants.

Hell no, Trump!
The film features rare archival footage and interviews with significant personalities in anarchist history including Murray Boochkin and Karl Hess, and also live performance footage of the super-intelligent San Francisco punk rock band the Dead Kennedys.

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