Friday, April 14, 2017

U.S. military bombs "Buddha Land"

Associated Press (; Pfc. Sandoval, Dhr. Seven, Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Afghanistan is "Buddha Land," land of the Shakyians/Scythians, the oldest and most massive statues in the world. How so? The Buddha was born in Bamiyan, Afghanistan (Ranajit Pal).
U.S. weapon of mass destruction, MOAB, near atomic-strength blast mass killing (AP)
Uncovering the ruins of a massive Buddhist temple complex (estimated to be one square mile) at Mes Aynak, Afghanistan, with mineral rights sold off to China (Jerome Starkey).
Afghan official: Massive US bomb death toll rises to 94
KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) - The number of "militants" killed [any civilian killed is automatically labelled a "militant" for being in the area the US chose to attack, because the US only attacks combatants and not civilians even if some or all are actually just civilians, it's all a matter of applying labels after the fact] in an attack by the largest non-nuclear weapon ever used in combat by the U.S. military has risen to 94, an Afghan official said Saturday. Ataullah Khogyani, spokesman for the provincial governor in Nangarhar, said the number of Islamic State group dead was up from the 36 reported a day earlier. A Ministry of Defense official had said Friday the number of dead could rise as officials assessed the bomb site in Achin district.

US military Combined Joint Special Operations Task Force-Afghanistan assist Afghan Army commandos, 201st Corps, Achin District, Nangarhar province (Sgt. Russell Lee Klika).
Buddha Land or Shakya Land, upper left
[With massive unexcavated Buddhist archeological sites like Mes Aynak (photo shown at top), what business does the U.S. military -- after its war on Afghanistan has allegedly ended -- have destroying "massive cave complexes" and other unpublished geological features? Prince Siddhartha, who by his great enlightenment became the Buddha or "Awakened One," was raised in three seasonal Scythian/Shakyian capitals, which seem to have been at the sites now called Bamiyan, Mes Aynak, and Kabul then known as Kapil.] More

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