Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Berkeley violence: NAZIs for Trump (video)

Shane Bauer, Amy Goodman (; Seth Auberon, CC Liu, Wisdom Quarterly
White Nationalists, Neo-Nazis, and Right-Wing Militia Members Clash with Anti-Fascist Protesters in Berkeley
Milo: But, guys, I retracted my statements!
In Berkeley, California, at least 20 people were arrested as fights broke out between white nationalist Trump supporters and anti-fascist protesters during competing rallies on Tax Day, Saturday, April 15th.

Photos show some of the Trump supporters posing with the Nazi salute.

Berkeley riot when racist-sexist Milo visited
Police say at least one person was stabbed during the clashes. Several more were injured. In one instance, a known white supremacist was videotaped punching a young anti-fascist woman named Louise Rosealma in the face.

The man who is seen punching her is Nathan Damigo, a former U.S. Marine, who founded the white supremacist organization known as "Identity Europa."

Shane Bauer undercover as a prison guard
Democracy Now! speaks with award-winning reporter Shane Bauer. His most recent article is titled "I Went Behind the Front Lines with the Far-Right Agitators Who Invaded Berkeley." More

Shane Bauer is an award-winning senior reporter at Mother Jones. His most recent article is titled "I Went Behind the Front Lines with the Far-Right Agitators Who Invaded Berkeley." Bauer is also co-author of the memoir A Sliver of Light: Three Americans Imprisoned in Iran.

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