Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Bernie Sanders LIVE in LA: "Our Revolution"

Bernie Sanders (Bernie 2016); KPFK; Seth Auberon, Ashley Wells, CC Liu, Wisdom Quarterly
Sen. Sanders LIVE in Beverly Hills' Saban Theater, May 7th (

Our Revolution launch event
Bernie 2016
At this August 24, 2016 meeting, Bernie Sanders and others from Our Revolution will lay out some of the next steps to be taken in the forming of a movement to empower a wave of progressive candidates this November and win the major upcoming fights for the values shared by progressive. How can you be a key movement builder in your community for Our Revolution? 
Live in Beverly Hills
Sunday May 7, 2017, 12:30 pm at the Saban Theater, 8440 Wilshire Blvd. Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Buy tickets here. Tickets: $35 each, which includes a copy of Our Revolution with each ticket. No exceptions. Senator Bernie Sanders changed the conversation in the 2016 presidential race. Neither Hillary Clinton nor Donald Trump could avoid the sheer power or public appeal of his message; his campaign quickly shot from an underfunded peripheral effort to the mainstream stage. [Then he sold us all out, and it was "Bernie's Plan B: lead everyone to Hillary."] Bernie’s "revolution" went to Main Street and nearly took it over. More

Stephen Colbert tries to get some sense out of failed candidate Bernie

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