Friday, May 12, 2017

Vesak 2017, Pasadena, CA

Los Angeles Buddhist Vihara; Wisdom Quarterly

Vesak or "Buddhist Christmas" -- the day commemorating the Buddha's birth, enlightenment, and final passing into nirvana -- is being celebrated throughout the month of May at various Sri Lankan, Burmese, Thai and other (Cambodian, Laotian, Vietnamese, etc.) temples. All day Saturday May 13th, the Los Angeles Buddhist Vihara of Pasadena (on Summit and Mountain near Fair Oaks) is celebrating this thrice blessed day with free food, lectures, eight precept observation, and an evening cultural program that begins at 6:00 pm. The public is invited to this free event. Unfortunately, their facebook and website have not been updated to reflect this. 
Sri Lankan/Sinhalese culture is growing in popularity all over Pasadena, California

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