Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Apple helping gov'ts spy on users in real time

Chris Smith (The Boy Genius Report/, June 6, 2017); Pat Macpherson, Pfc. Sandoval, Seth Auberon, (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Apple "might" be helping governments spy on users in real time
Two unrelated reports [strongly] suggest that Apple [Corporation, maker of iPhones, iPads, Macs] might have the technical capability of mass spying on its customers in a certain area and feeding the obtained information to intelligence agencies that would be able to take immediate measures.
  • [WQ) Steve Jobs was long believed to be in collusion with the FBI, CIA, NSA, and/or similar alphabet clandestine agencies that spy on innocent Americans without warrant or probable cause, which is why the government allowed him to be a billionaire five times over and why it helped his business grow wildly to infiltrate every part of our lives while we cheered "innovation" and raced to buy our own monitoring devices, which is better for them than being microchipped and followed everywhere we go. Now illegal domestic spying is done digitally yet used in court.]
Apple and the FBI, Google and the CIA
Apple has long maintained that the privacy and security for its users are more important than government backdoors into its software, and Tim Cook’s opposition to the FBI in early 2016 sparked a massive debate on encryption.
But just recently Cook confirmed that Apple helped the UK following the terrorist threats that hit the country in the past month. In what capacity did Apple intervene? Cook didn’t say, and an anecdote from a recent event has raised concerns that Apple is helping with mass spying.

A paragraph at the end of a Rolling Stone story about the OneLove Manchester benefit concert detailed a rather disturbing story. Here it is in full, as published by Kory Grow:
Are you a spy working for the gov't for free?
"And it felt incredibly safe. As I made my own way to the tram, I wrote in my Apple Notes app, ‘Helicopter hovering overhead,’ which to me signified that the fans were being watched over. Then two policemen stopped me and asked me who I was with and whether I’d written anything about a helicopter into my phone, without explaining the technology of how they’d read my Notes app." More

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