Thursday, June 15, 2017

Pasadena Buddhist Temple (Jodo Shinshu)

Crystal Quintero, Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly; Pasadena Buddhist Temple (Meetup)

Obon: between Japanese and US culture
The Pasadena Buddhist Temple belongs to the Japanese Jodo Shinshu tradition of Mahayana Buddhism, part of the national Buddhist Churches of America, headquartered in San Francisco, California.

This temple was established in 1948, incorporated in 1956. It and its classrooms were completed in 1958. The annex (Sakai Hall), which is used by the PJAA Bruins organization for basketball practice, was constructed in 1962.

Obon is Japan's Halloween/Day of the Dead
It celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2008 and welcomes all to come and learn about the [later Mahayana version of the] Buddha Dharma.

Rev. Gibbs became the resident minister on January 1, 2017, but the temple will continue to be grateful for the presence of Rev. Tetsuo Unno, who will continue to officiate services as he has for over 40 years. Guest ministers will also be invited to temple Sunday services.

Family services are held each Sunday. Service begins at 10:00 am and is followed by a separate English-speaking Discussion Group and a Japanese-language Dharma talk by Rev. Unno when he is available. Dharma School meets on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month following Sunday service. Sangha Teens and Jr. YBA also meet monthly. More
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