Friday, September 22, 2017

ABUSE: California cop kills man on tape! St. Louis riot squad tramples old woman (video)

Donut Operator; Pfc. Sandoval, Pat Macpherson, Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
WARNING: Police state abuses, murder by cop, excessive force all within policy we're sure.

Quit resisting, you old b*tch, or I'll shoot you!
Welcome to California. Now go meet your death based on my fear and training.

Police training states, If you're going to shoot -- and that's your decision at your own discretion with no real legal consequences either way (so why not err on the side of saving your life and health and killing the F out of anyone who dares to question or threaten you in any way whatsoever (even if it's just in your imagination) -- shoot to kill. Shoot to "remove any possible threat" to you or anyone else anywhere. Empty your gun. Kill. Kill. Kill.

However, remember to always add this exact phrase to your falsified police report about the incident, "I was afraid for my life. I didn't think I would ever make it home to see my wife and children." The chief will have your back, unless you're an ethnic officer in which case the chief and department may throw you under the bus to preserve the appearance of fairness and balance.

Homeless accused "criminal"
PR (public relations) Rule #1: Get out in front of the scandal, besmirch the name of the victim by accusing him/her of various unconfirmed offenses. We have people in the media, particularly the Associated Press (, who will run with those allegations and that smear job until no one cares about the victim irrational, disobedient uncompliant, and violent criminal we killed.

You saw what happened to disgraced Latino LA Sheriff Lee Baca and Asian Undersheriff Tanaka, right?

Corrupt LA Sheriff Baca (
If they were white, we would have defended them to the end. So if you're white, we'll have your back. The boys in blue! Code of silence. Got your police-gang tattoo? Did you go through you Prison Guard Hazing in the Sheriff's Dept. to become one of us? All for one and one for all! For life! Death to civies, especially the black ones, which you can shoot on site because they're not really human. And if you call out on the radio, make sure to mention that: NHI ("no humans involved").

St. Louis police troops TRAMPLE old woman

Hey, I'm pro-cop!
Paramilitary civilian police trample old woman in their way as they threaten and rush demonstrators, injuring them with lethal and less-than-fully-lethal weapons (e.g., carcinogenic pepper spray, mace, rubber cannons, beanbag missiles). But police were scared! You can see it in the way they swing their bats, hold their guns, and laugh. But the black "protesters" and BLM "terrorists" were dancing, really scary, and disobeying us. They had signs!

One day Black Lives will Matter.
All police had were automatic weapons, fully protective anti-ballistic body armor, plexiglass face shields, snipers with high powered rifles, military drones, overtime pay, undercover agent provocateurs, reinforced anti-improvised explosive device utility vehicles, spy equipment, secret weapons and tactics, paddy wagon buses, extensive SWAT (special weapons and tactics) training, the element of surprise, carte blanche to break any laws and violate any civil rights as needed or desired for the sake of expediency, and an infinite number of back-up men: state troopers, embedded plain clothes officers, National Guard soldiers, white vigilantes, and personally armed citizens to deputize from richer surrounding neighborhoods to call on.

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