Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Native California under a Mexican flag

Xochitl, Dhr. Seven, Crystal Quintero, Pfc. Sandoval, Ashley Wells, Wisdom Quarterly; Wiki
First imperial flag of Mexico (post-Aztec) had no serpent (Agustin de Iturbide, 1821).
Like Berkeley up north, the megalopolis of Los Angeles is a world unto itself (Horsey).
The two flags behind these diplomats are twins, with the eagle swapped out for the bear.

HAARP earthquake from use on hurricanes
Somehow we never noticed until looking at this picture how the modern California state flag is essentially the Mexican flag.

Instead of the iconic eagle-conquers-serpent scene Mexico uses in Baja, Alta California ("Upper California") replaced it with an accused "wildman"/bear, the new state symbol after the indigenous peoples were essentially wiped out by the genocide and the early ethnic cleansing campaigns.

The new USA continued what the Spanish and other European powers began. Colonial Portuguese, French, British, Russian, Dutch, and other powers tried to establish and maintain empires into the "New" World.

No, storm troopers. We will not let you make this a "police state" for bankers and shoppers!
beacon.orgWisdom Quarterly is in Pasadena, California. This famous city -- which Swami Vivekananda dubbed "the Varanasi of the West" in 1900 -- with its world-famous Rose Parade and Rose Bowl, Caltech and JPL, Norton Simon Museum, Angeles National Forest, Southern California Public Radio, and numerous Buddhist temples takes its name from the indigenous Tongva/Kizh Native American word Pasadegna.
  • (WQ) Mexicano or Nahautl (Mexico's dominant pre-Columbian language of the indigenous, First Nations, "Native Mexican" Nahua people) words often end with a -tl suffix (as in chocolatl). The invaders speaking Spanish transliterated the -tl to -te (chocolate), and it seems the Tongva-ese or "Los Angeles-ese" (the indigenous language of pre-Columbus and pre-Mexican Los Angeles) uses -gna (as in Pasade-gna, Hahamon-gna, Cucamon-gna, Quetzalcoa-tl, Topan-gna) as a distinctive suffix.
Other Mexican flags, Mexican History Museum, Monterrey, Nuevo Leon (N. C. Sheetz)
Native American flag of Los Angeles
It is filled with the remnants of a large indigenous community, Native Americans from all over the USA and what is now Latin America. Los Angeles is the home to more tribes than any other state.

The Kizh or Tongva, called "Gabrielenos" by the colonial Spanish and their slave-Mission system, survive by being Latino, blending in and cross-marrying with all groups to survive numerous Spanish and US Army campaigns.
Tongva-L.A., Alta California, Mexico
Kizh/Tongva/Gabrieleno Chief Salas of a San Gabriel Valley Band of Kizh Nation
This is the land of the Tongva/Kizh people, the original "Los Angelenos" of SoCal (W).
Map of North America with California as part of Mexico/New Spain (Dobson/1789).
Pasadena is in Los Angeles County, which was part of Alta California was founded in 1769 by Gaspar de Portolà. It was part of New Spain. After the Mexican War of Independence in 1822, it was a territory of Mexico.

The region included all of the modern United States of California, Nevada, and Utah, and parts of Arizona, Wyoming, Colorado and New Mexico. (Other states like Texas were also a part of Mexico but not of Upper California; Lower California is still part of Mexico).

Neither Spain nor Mexico ever colonized the area beyond the southern and central coastal area of present-day California, so they never exerted any effective control north of the Sonoma area, or east of the California Coast Ranges. (It remained indigenous Native American territory, with Los Angeles as the Kizh/Tongva Nation).

Kizh Nation (
Most interior areas such as the Central Valley and the deserts of California remained in de facto possession of indigenous peoples until later in the Mexican era when more inland land grants were made, and especially after 1841 when overland illegal immigrants from the United States (mostly of European ancestry) began to settle inland areas.

Large areas east of the Sierra Nevada and San Gabriel Mountains (in northern Los Angeles) were claimed to be part of Alta California but were never colonized. To the southeast, beyond the deserts and the Colorado River, lay the Spanish settlements in Arizona.

Alta California ceased to exist as an administrative division separate from Baja California in 1836, when the Siete Leyes constitutional reforms in Mexico re-established Las Californias as a unified area.

First imperial flag of Mexico, Nov. 1821
The areas formerly comprising Alta California were ceded to the United States in the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo that ended the Mexican-American War in 1848. (The first imperial flag of Mexico was flying since 1821).

Two years later, "California" joined the union as the 31st state. Other parts of Alta California became all or part of the later U.S. states of Arizona, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, and Wyoming. More

The Aztec-Mexican flag

Mexican flag with no eagle or snake, Aug. 1821
Red, white, and green (not blue like the USA) are the colors of the national liberation army in Mexico. The central emblem is based on the Aztec symbol for Tenochtitlan (now the capital of Mexico City), the center of the Aztec empire.

It recalls the legend of an eagle sitting on a cactus that signaled to the Aztecs where to found their city. Throughout history, the flag has changed several times, as the dimensions and design of the Mexican coat of arms have been modified. However, the coat of arms has had one feature throughout: an eagle (except when a crown sat in the the center). More
Mexico before it was Mexico
Native Americans of Tenochtitlan/Mexico, Aztecs, Mexica, Mayans (Field Museum)
Aztec/Maya Quetzalcoatl
Mexico-Tenochtitlan, commonly known as Tenochtitlan (Classical Nahuatl Mēxihco-Tenōchtitlan), was a Mexica city-state built atop an island on Lake Texcoco in the Valley of Mexico.

Founded on June 20, 1325, it was the capital of the expanding Aztec land in the 15th century ( until it was captured by the Spanish in 1521.

At its peak, it was the largest city in the Pre-Columbian  Americas. It subsequently became a municipality (cabecera) of the Viceroyalty of New Spain.

Today, the ruins of Tenochtitlan are in the historic center of Mexico City. Tenochtitlan was one of two Nahua city-states (āltēpetl) on the island, the other being Tlatelolco. More

California and Mexico's ancient Buddhist past
Native Tongva and Chumash inhabited California's Channel Islands like Catalina.
Map: route taken by Afghan- and Chinese-Buddhist missionaries to the Americas

The American Edward P. Vining documented the evidence of 5th century Buddhist missionary work bringing Buddhism to California and the Pre-Columbian Americas prior to Christianity's arrival and Catholic oppression (Inglorious Columbus, 1885).

American Rick Fields, author of How the Swans Came to the Lake, lays out the evidence of peaceful missionary-Buddhism's arrival in Ancient California and Mexico, Mesoamerica long before imperial Catholicism (

The Smithsonian seized and has evidence of ancient Buddhist statues in the Grand Canyon.

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