Friday, September 8, 2017

Catholic bishop of Phoenix: child molester?

Associated Press; Seth Auberon, Pat Macpherson, Pfc. Sandoval (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Catholic priests, who are totally not gay child molesters, wave at their CEO in Colombia (AP)
Bishop Thomas O'Brien, center, is flanked by attorneys, Melissa Berren, left, and Tom Henze, right, as they stand before Judge Stephen Gerst in a courtroom in Phoenix (file pool/AP).
Ex-Catholic bishop of Phoenix accused of sex abuse of [just one] boy
I forgive my molesters bishops. - Pope F.
PHOENIX, Arizona - A [now retired] bishop who led the Roman Catholic church in metro Phoenix during a worldwide child sexual abuse scandal has been accused of molesting a young boy 35 years ago.

Retired Bishop Thomas O'Brien is accused in a lawsuit of sexually abusing [raping] the boy on several occasions at parishes in Phoenix and Goodyear from 1977 to 1982.

Getting molested made me kinky.
The Diocese of Phoenix [and the many lawyers the church as retained] says O'Brien [himself] denies the allegation.
Boys are part of our religion. Butt out, world!
O'Brien's accuser says the [Catholic] clergyman sexually abused him when he was a child and he had suppressed his memories of it, said Tim Hale, his lawyer.

The accuser, who is now 47 and lives in the Tucson area, started having flashbacks of the abuse in September 2014 when preparing for his son's baptism into the Catholic Church, Hale said.
Let the priest go! He's innocent as I am!
"It has turned his life upside down," Hale said, explaining that his client has suffered profound emotional distress.

Hale said his client's allegation is being investigated by the Phoenix Police Dept., which refused to comment. More

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Paul Shanley
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