Friday, September 8, 2017

Jewish? "Hidden Hispanic History" (video)

Robert Sepehr (Atlantean Gardens); Dhr. Seven, Pat Macpherson (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Berber flag: Who are these strange people?
Crypto-Jews? The occupation of Spain by the Moors [Africans] began in 711 AD, at first mainly by Berbers (Amazigh), later joined by Arabs, crossing the Strait of Gibraltar from North Africa [which included Israel and Kush/Ethiopia], invading the Iberian peninsula.

The indigenous Berber tribes of the region were noted in classical literature as Mauri, from present-day Morocco, subsequently rendered as "Moors" in English and other Aryan or Indo-European languages.

There would appear to be a clear relationship between Phoenicians and Ancient Hebrews that stretches as far away as Spain.

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