Monday, September 18, 2017

Hurricane Hillary threatens Democrats (audio)

Come buy my book or you're a sexist @$$hole!
It makes me sick to see Don on my cover!
Hillary Clinton harbors no doubts that political allies of Donald Trump astutely “guided” the release of her hacked e-mails by WikiLeaks.

And she also blames WikiLeaks for the planting of “fake news” in order to sabotage her and her struggle to become president, she tells The New Yorker's David Remnick in a long interview.

I'm better than Over-the-Hillary!
In her new book that tells reader who and what to blame, Whuh Happened???, Hurricane Hillary Clinton is by turns angry, accusatory, and apologetic about the 2016 election and her utter failure at its outcome. Trump did not win; he was appointed. But she did lose.

She promotes the view that it was infiltration by Russia as a “clear and present danger” to the US electoral process, which Republicans should take as seriously as Democrats.

She also blames Putin who could, she points out, just as easily turn on Trump now. Why did he have to turn on her? She would have made secret deals with him, too, if he had asked, but he's sexist!

Hillary's message is clear: Don't BLAME ME! (
Buy this book or you're a misogynist! So what if I charge people to attend book signings?
Clinton tells old time news man Remnick, who sat next to her at a White House dinner 25 years ago, that the media failed voters by focusing coverage on scandals rather than on her words and policies, never mind her actions or her past.

She also blames sexism and how it affected voters as they judged a woman who sought the highest office in the land, forgetting that it was her. She's special.

Lock her up! Lock her up! Hillary for prison!
Voters were too dumb to see that it was her, not a woman. Just ask war criminal and former Sec'y of State Henry Kissinger, Hillary's personal friend and mentor.

Hillary also blames Pres. Obama and wishes that he had broken the rules and campaigned for her and against Don John Trump. He could have at least done it on what was known about Russian involvement.

494 pages, $59.00 + tax
She also blames Kim Jun Un and lays out a plan for diplomatic efforts to address the North Korea nuclear crisis, which she could solve in a moment if given the chance to rule the world.

A resolution is possible, Clinton believes, but she worries that “nobody’s home at the State Department. That's why she's needed to go in there and tell everybody what to do and how to do it. Her reputation for being a Dragon Lady precedes her.

Hmm, maybe she is lying.
There isn’t anybody to really guide a strategic approach to North Korea without former Sec'y of State Hillary Clinton, as opposed to tweeting and speechifying.”

David Remnick has been editor of The New Yorker since 1998 and a staff writer since 1992. He is the author of The Bridge: The Life and Rise of Barack Obama. More + AUDIO

Hillary blames everyone but Hillary: book sales
Terry Gross square 2017
Hi, I'm Terry Gross.
Ten months after her surprising loss in the 2016 presidential election, Hillary Clinton is back with a new memoir.

In What Happened, Clinton [blames everyone as she] reflects on the tumultuous campaign and her devastating defeat, as well as her experiences as the first woman running for president as a part of a major political party [other than much better candidates like Dr. Jill Stein, MD].
What follows is the transcript of the conversation between Clinton and Fresh Air's Terry Gross, which was recorded at WHYY's studio in Philadelphia.
Hillary is a CAT 5 blowing a lot of hot air.
Gross: Hillary Clinton, welcome to Fresh Air, and thank you for being here in our studio. It is a pleasure to have you here.
Clinton: Thank you so much, Terry, I am delighted to be [pitching my new $59 book. Have you bought one?]
So I want to pick up where we left off [during Clinton's 2014 Fresh Air interview] — and this isn't going in the direction that you think it is, so bear with me. More + AUDIO

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