Friday, September 1, 2017

Peaceful revolution abolishes Columbus Day!

Chrissie M. Castro (323) 420-6844; Xochitl, Dhr. Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Why are they calling state-sanctioned slaughter a "genocide"? (Newsweek)

O, Great Spirit, thank you for success!
Thank you for every hearing you attended, social media post you shared, person you spoke to, phone call you made, councilmember office you visited, and testimony you provided. Because of these efforts, we made history in the City of Los Angeles!

Not a "genocide"? (Madley)
We successfully replaced Columbus Day with Indigenous Peoples Day in the second-largest city in the nation!

As reported by Wisdom Quarterly and the local and national media, the whole country has taken notice. This speaks volumes to the urgent need we have in these political times for truth and justice to prevail over oppression.

This win contributes to indigenous, aboriginal, First Nations, and Native American peoples being seen and recognized, reshaping the public narrative that has too long ignored the indigenous.
Thanks for the rape and stuff, Catholicism.
People are asking, What's next? There are a lot of great ideas circulating. We invite everyone to a community public forum to discuss this collectively. Join us:
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