Saturday, September 16, 2017

Pink Floyd live in Palestine: The Wall (video)

"We don't need no mind control...all in all you're just another brick in the wall" - Pink Floyd

Pink Floyd's Roger Waters: BDS is one of the "most admirable" displays of resistance in the world

Middle East in Focus (KPFK); JewishVFP
Pink Floyd co-founder, singer, bass player Roger Waters (the British musician who wrote "The Wall" and now lives in the US) has in recent years become one of the most prominent musicians supporting the BDS Movement: Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions against Israel.
BDS targets Israel because of its genocide and daily mistreatment of Palestinians. Waters is scheduled to play this weekend in Long Island, New York, despite attempts by Nassau County officials to shut down the concerts citing a local Anti-BDS bill.

Roger Waters epic speech against Israeli occupation of Palestine
Despite this, Roger Waters has continued to speak out. Last week, he wrote a piece in The New York Times titled "Congress Shouldn’t Silence Human Rights Advocates." In the op-ed, he criticized a bill being considered in the Senate to silence supporters of BDS ( More 

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