Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Redheads, pyramids, Brazil’s mysterious past

Leonard Farra (blog.world-mysteries.com); Pat Macpherson (ed.), Wisdom Quarterly
Map of Brazil

Brazil, the largest country in South America, borders all South American countries, other than Chile and Ecuador, and it’s the largest Portuguese-speaking country in the world.
  • [Portugal, which is next to Spain on Europe's Iberian Peninsula, is just across the Atlantic Ocean, not far according to some maps.]
It has a huge tropical forest in its Amazon Basin, which is home to a diverse wildlife population.
When Europeans arrived in Central America and Peru, they encountered advanced civilizations.

But in Brazil they only saw native people living close to nature. In recent years, however, researchers have found that this huge country had a fascinating past.
The Amazon jungle is very dense but, in cleared areas, on the border with northern Bolivia, there are traces of a lost civilization.

Only part of it has so far been uncovered, but its population has been estimated at 60,000. In this region there were structures formed by a network of trenches, about 36 feet wide and several feet deep, lined by low banks.
Some were surrounded by low mounds that contained ceramics and stone tools. More than 200 geometric structures have so far been discovered and some date back 1,700 years. The geometric shapes are in the form of huge circles and squares.
In the upper Xingu region of southern Brazil, a community of thousands of people previously lived in large villages in a well organized grid-like pattern linked by a network of roads.
The villages were enclosed in huge ditches, and there were bridges and moats in wetland areas. According to Professor Homet:
"...there is a whole chain of burial urns which reaches from the Mediterranean via Brazil and Argentina, these ceramic coffins are often decorated with human faces and are therefore called portrait burial urns" (1).
Prof. Homet concludes that:
"When one considers the chain of places where they are found and which connects the continents we are obliged to [conclude] that this custom could only have been spread by a single civilization" (1).
On the coastal island of Santa Caterina, in the Brazilian province of the same name, there are rock drawings consisting of double ring concentric circles, wavy lines, and diamond shapes all of which appeared in Stone Age art on the other side of the Atlantic.
Brazilian archaeologists have found a well-defined ancient stone structure on a hill top in the Amazon. This amazing discovery is located in the state of Amapá in the northern reaches of the Brazilian Amazon. Could primitive Indians living in the jungles of the Amazon have constructed it? Source
There were stone circles in many parts of the world with the highest concentration in the British Isles. Some have been found in North America, Peru, and on Easter Island. Many early sites were aligned to the solstices, where religious rituals appear to have been enacted.
stonehenge (1)
Stonehenge is Europe's most famous megalithic structure, Avesbury, England
For example, Stonehenge, England’s 5,000-year-old circle, is aligned to the summer and winter solstices. On a hilltop in the Brazilian state of Amapa, there’s a stone circle made up of 127 rough stones, which is aligned to the winter solstice. It is believed to be at least 2,000 years old.
Dolmens are huge blocks of rock usually supported by three or more upright stones. They have also been found in many parts of the world including in New England in North America.
dolmen for young girls to visit
In the Brazilian state of Rio Grande de Sul, there are dolmens like those of early Europe.
Trilith of Río Grande do Sul of Southern Brazil.
Man under massive dolmens near Rio Grande de Sul, Brazil
Prof. Homet says that the ones that he saw in Brazil are comparable to the thousands in Algeria (2).

The red headed white Indians
brazilian indians

Various travelers through Brazil’s jungle areas have reported sightings of red haired white Indians.
Harold T. Wilkins, who is renowned for his research on South America, reported that in 1929 the American traveler Lawrence Griswold was captured by Shuar Indians. They took him up the Rio Juara.
The hunting party arrived at the ruins of an ancient city, which [he was told] were built by tall, "red-haired" people who were changed into his tribe "because of their wicked behavior before the Flood" (3).
There are also traces of red-haired whites in Peru. Others of this description were also living in other parts of the world. Tall, white red-heads formed part of the pre-Spanish Guanches population in the Canary Islands who claimed to be survivors of the Flood.
Various early legends say that people of this description were involved in a violent conflict in the antediluvian (pre-deluge) era. This is also suggested in a famous, misinterpreted, allegorical Ancient Egyptian legend (4).
The Guarani Indians in Brazil, Uruguay, and Paraguay claim that their ancestors came from a distant country and that they crossed an ocean before they arrived in their present lands.
There were hundreds of allegorical flood legends around the world, including among Native Americans. A typical one, which is popular among the Native Brazilians, tells of a great flood in which only two brothers and their wives survived.
There is evidence to suggest that the Great Flood happened 5,000 years ago, when there was climate change and substantial flooding in different parts of the world.
In that era several civilizations arose "fully developed," and indications are that this was the rebirth of civilization after the destruction of the previous age.
Along Brazil’s southern coast, mainly in the state of Catarina, archaeologists have discovered as many as 1,000 square pyramids built from sea shells. The earliest ones date back to the critical era around 5,000 years ago.
In some of these pyramid mounds, there were human burials and amazing grave goods including shell breast plates depicting various animals and birds. Nobody knows who these people were or where they came from.
The Sumerian scribes said that the Annunaki caused the Flood because of the bad behavior of humans.
Many early world legends were based on the story of the Annunaki leaders. Adapted to local culture, this trend has continued in many parts of the world right through to present times (5) including among the Guarani of Brazil.
Did the Guarani adopt it from an earlier people? And could it be that this widespread legend, these stone circles, dolmens, and the red-haired white race on both sides of the Atlantic are evidence of early contact between the Old and New Worlds as many alternative scholars believe?
  1. Marcel.F. Homet : Sons of the Sun (p.162)
  2. Do (p.12)
  3. Harold.T.Wilkins, Mysteries of South America (p.44)
  4. Leonard Farra, The Pleiades Legacy (The Old World) (p.92)
  5. Leonard Farra, The Pleiades Legacy (The Old World); The Pleiades legacy (The New World)
About the author
Leonard Farra is the author of the books The Pleiades Legacy and The Pleiades Legacy (The Stone Age) – The Return of the Gods and The Pleiades Legacy (The New World). All OF his books can be purchased online at blurb.com. His e-books can be viewed on Apple' iPad, iPhone, and iPad touch. Farra has researched the Ancient Astronaut theory for 35 years and written four books on the subject.

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