Saturday, September 16, 2017

Occupation of the American Mind (by Israel)

Roger Waters, Prof. Jut Shally (, Amy Goodman (, 9/14/17); Real News; Sheldon S., Pfc. Sandoval, Seth Auberon, CC Liu (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
"Another Jew Supporting Divestment" from Israel (BDS/
The Occupation of the American Mind: Israel
Democracy Now! continues its conversation with legendary founder of the iconic rock band Pink Floyd, British musician Roger Waters.

Waters is the narrator of a new documentary titled "The Occupation of the American Mind: Israel’s Public Relations War in the United States." 
DN! airs clips from the film and speaks to Waters and Professor of Communication at the University of Massachusetts Sut Jhally, founder and executive director of the Media Education Foundation, which produced the documentary.

(Sowingthewinds) INTERVIEW: “The Occupation of the American Mind” with Mr. Pink Floyd

(May 24, 2016) Episode 1: "The Occupation of the American Mind" RAI with Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters. On "Reality Asserts Itself [RAI] with Paul Jay," legendary musician Roger Waters and Prof. Sut Jhally discuss their new documentary about the Israeli propaganda/"public relations" campaign to influence U.S. public opinion. TheRealNews original upload. Episode 2 at Min. 24.33 (2/3)... More

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