Monday, September 4, 2017

Vril and the Alien Women (video)

Mystery and Discover VI, Aug. 11, 2017; Amber Larson, Dhr. Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Psychic women of the Vril Society
he head of the German Thule Society, Karl Haushofer, had invited a handful of the most respected occultists to meet at a secluded cabin in the forest foothills of the Alps, near Berchtesgaden. The guests included a representative of the Knights Templar and a specialist in Asian artifacts. Two young and exceptionally beautiful women joined the group. One was very quiet. She was barely 18 years old and, for some reason, her real identity was a guarded secret. She was introduced as "Sigrun." Her significance would reveal itself later. The other woman was Maria Orsich [the oracle of the Vril Society]. Aside from their stunning appearance, both had exceptionally long hair that was worn in a ponytail quite against the prevailing style of the day.

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